Sunday, October 30, 2011

Debt Free for Life

by David Bach
Hennepin County Library audioCDs 7:19
read by Erik Davies
genre: self-help finance

Liked some of the recommendations and the fact that I'm already doing a lot of the "right" things.

Disliked: his arrogance (you've probably seen me on Oprah . . . / I've helped millions of people . . . / if you're one of the millions who've already read one of my books . . . ) I've never even heard of him before!!!
Disliked: constant reference to the many web tools (which I don't want to use)
Disliked: lack of advice on cutting spending! End part talked about "changing your mind set," but there wasn't much practical advice on how to do that!

Hahaha! I blogged the above on 10/30/2011 . . . and just now sat down to blog it again. Here's my today (4/1/2016) entry:

I couldn't even get past the first CD! His sales pitches for other products and his ego "You know me from my many appearances on television . . . " The vocal work by Davies is smarmy . . . is it the writing or the delivery or both? Who cares. I can't listen to any more. I like the "forget good debt / bad debt; all debt is bad" message. He mentioned and www. (and I thought, "Who cares about finishing rich? You don't need money for Heaven! Perhaps you need some in Hell, though.") He talks about "buying back your freedom" using his "revolutionary new system."

I dislike debt. I'm determined to get rid of it. But I'm not swamped in it and am fairly confident I can tackle it without torturing myself with this book. (Ironic, though, that I checked out the same thing five years ago!)

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