Thursday, September 22, 2011

McLibel: The story of two people who wouldn't say McSorry

a film by Franny Armstrong
Hennepin Public Library 85 minutes long & extras
genre: documentary

I don't usually review films, but this one was very interesting. I found myself vacillating between complete agreement and "you've got to be kidding me - this is how the world works." They state that they were not fighting McDonalds so much as multinational companies. I don't think most people really consider how McDonalds, Wal-Mart, and other companies affect this planet and all the people on it. At the same time, some of the arguments seemed a bit much. Interesting, because I despise Wal-Mart and the impact of WM on the world. . . . But I kind of like McDonalds. (Perhaps I'm just an innocent victim of their insidious advertising to small children. My McDonalds connection goes waaaay back.)

In any case, thought-provoking and worth my time. I appreciate food for thought. And I appreciate something that makes me think about my choices.

It truly was stupid of the company to demand apologies for libel based on a leaflet.

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