Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Truer Than True Romance

by Jeanne Martinet
PRMS paper 112 pages
genre: humor / romance

What a hoot! When I saw this on the media center shelf, I did a double-take. This is a snarky, sarcastic take on the stereotypical 1940s romance comics. The original splash page is reprinted next to this author's rewritten story lines. A comics-lovers delight. I'm going to send it to the high school, because I don't think most middle schoolers would get it at all. It's hilarious!


Jeanne Martinet said...

Thank you so much for liking my book TRUER THAN TRUE ROMANCE! It was unfortunately published right before 9/11 and so went out of print pretty quickly. But I love that it's still out there, giving people a laugh.


Jeanne LaMoore said...

Thanks for the comment! It's always a delight to me when someone reads & responds. I'm not much of a blogger. Just curious - do you pronounce your name "Jean" or "Jeannie"? Mine's the former - thanks to a French Canadian father. Though I get called many different things . . . I added your blog to my reader - thanks for sharing your talent!