Tuesday, July 01, 2008

She Always Wore Red

by Angela Hunt
paperback, about 300 pages
I borrowed Lois' copy

I read this the day of book club! (Actually, I finished as book club discussion was starting.) Another good story by Angela Hunt. Jen is trying to raise her two boys, go to school for mortuary science, and stay on top of Fairlawn, the business she inherited. When she goes to her friend's book club, one of Lydia's guests has a special reason for wanting to meet her. McLane is actually Jen's younger half-sister, fathered by her philandering father 24 years earlier.

Gerald was my favorite character; I would have loved to know more about his story. Someone at book club mentioned that they liked the multi-faceted aspect of the story. I agree! It didn't come across as an anti-abortion story. There were layers and complexities to each person's perspectives. Some of the racism-themed layers were very, very well-written. I also loved Clay's story. What a true-to-life 13 y.o.

This is actually book two of a trilogy. I'm very curious now to go back and read the first one. I bet it'll answer a lot of my questions.

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