Tuesday, April 15, 2008

TinTin and Alph-Art

by Herge'
CMSW 62 pages

A graphic novel in progress at the time of the author's death, this book is an intriguing look into the creative process. The rough sketches show the development of the storyline and the French text intrigues. Fortunately, the person who published this book gave us a nice translation of the pictures and words into a cohesive story (for the most part - the ending's abrupt). What a delightful book!

I'm having fun seeing the Copper Cougar kids get excited about reading the TinTin books. Some kids don't "get" them, but many others have found a wonderful new source of reading entertainment.

1 comment:

Dan Brown said...

Dear Jeanne,

Hi, this is Dan Brown, the author of The Great Expectations School. Thanks for including my book in your book club!

If you're interested, I'd be happy to answer any questions or add to any discussions that might help make the book club meeting even more exciting. My email address is: danbrownteacher@gmail.com

Thanks again, and I hope you're enjoying my rookie story!

All best,