Tuesday, August 03, 2021

Look Both Ways: A Tale Told in Ten Blocks

by Jason Reynolds

Hennepin County Library hardcover 188 pages

Published: 2019

Genre: YA realistic fiction


I don't remember where I read a recommendation for this book, but I really like Reynolds' writing style. This was a series of short stories that had characters and themes interwoven. It was beautifully written! The flying school bus had me curious up until the last story. Most of the stories were bittersweet and even heart breaking . . . but there was plenty of light in them as well.


From the first story about the "Low Cuts" (little hooligans) and why they wanted money so much to the "broom dog" that helped Canton through his mom's accident, this book is powerful.


One section where the language captivated me was in the story "Satchmo's Master Plan." "But no matter what his mother said, no matter what she taught him, it didn't matter. Fear had clamped down on his brain and the scars on the back of his leg - the raised dots and dashes like Morse code on his skin - served as a reminder that dogs were dangerous." 

Reynolds is such a good writer!

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