Monday, January 08, 2018

Gulliver's Travels: or Travels into Several Remote Nations of the World. In Four Parts. By Lemuel Gulliver, First a Surgeon, and then a Captain of Several Ships

by Jonathan Swift
Hennepin County Library audiobook 10 CDs
read by Pamela Garelick
genre: adventure, satire, . . .

I confess . . . I only listened to the first section (out of four). The Lilliputians story made me wonder if I've ever read the full book before, or only abridged and comic strip versions. There was so much more detail than I remember! One thing I thought was "How on earth could the Lilliputians get enough food and water for him? And *why* would they bother?!" That question was addressed (at least the "how" part) later in the story. The logistics of his time in Lilliput were too bizarre for me to contemplate.

I jotted a note "what is it that Swift is satirizing?" Some of it was obvious - the machinations of court and the illogical decrees on things like breaking eggs on the small end vs. the big end. But some of it I'd have to do research to figure out what was going on at that time in history to learn how Swift was mocking it. He was such a clever writer! 

I'm not sure why I'm okay with returning it to the library without "reading" the rest of it. It's just not what I want to read right now.

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