Monday, April 17, 2017

Tetris: The Games People Play

by Box Brown
Hennepin County Library paperback 253 pages
genre: YA graphic novel non-fiction

I had not heard of Box Brown before this title started showing up on recommendation lists (and he's an author at next month's Teen Lit Con). I am not a huge fan of his art style, but I found the story very interesting. It was hard to keep all the "players" straight, but the Russian who truly created Tetris (Alexey Pajitnov) was definitely my favorite. His love of games, logic, and desire to share something cool he had made was the best!

The larger history of games and humanity didn't engage me as much . . . but there was definitely some interesting history from the Ancient Egyptians to the start of the Nintendo company (trading cards, then video games). I'm not sure if I would buy this for a middle school collection - the non-fiction aspect is harder for me to "sell" to my readers - but they would be drawn to the video game theme.

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