Tuesday, September 01, 2015

The One Thing: the surprisingly simple truth behind extraordinary results

by Gary Keller and Jay Papasan
Hennepin County Library hardcover 225 pages
genre: non-fiction motivation

I admit defeat. This book is simply not the "right one" for me right now. It's also five days overdue at the library and I cannot renew it. So I'll have to cycle back to it at some point. The end-of-chapter "Big Ideas" would probably be sufficient to get the gist of the book. So far, I have found it to be oversimplified (but that's kind of the point).

page 35 - "Achievers operate differently. They have an eye for the essential. They pause just long enough to decide what matters and then allow what matters to drive their day." I need to be more like this and less swept along by the various and sundry things that crop up in my day!

Chapter 4 "Big Ideas" - Go small, go extreme, say no, don't get trapped in the "check off" game - I think I need to scan and save the blurbs with this . . .

page 79 - "When you gamble with your time, you may be placing a bet you can't cover." So true!

page 91 - Dweck and mindset. Interesting that I recently read an article that doesn't praise her work, but questions it.

There was also an interesting section on willpower. So many ideas running through my brain and so little time to process and discuss! I only got as far as page 104. I am torn about requesting it again . . . Perhaps I'll make note of it in my library bin and see if I have time in a few months to tackle it.

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