Sunday, August 09, 2015

Red Madness: How a Medical Mystery Changed What We Eat

by Gail Jarrow
Hennepin County Library hardcover 157 pages plus extras
genre: YA non-fiction, history, medicine

This was very well-written! It was interesting and drew me along as she uncovered the story behind the illness Pellagra. I may have heard of it before, but didn't have much knowledge at all. Often times, a purely chronological approach frustrates me as a reader but this one kept me wanting to find out what caused the illness and how it was cured. Fascinating stuff for early 1900s America! Joseph Goldberger (and others) were truly medical heroes for the work they did in discovering this dietary deficiency disease. The "4-D" of dermatitis (skin rash), diarrhea, dementia, and death were devastating for far too many people for too long (especially poor people).

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