Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Home, and Other Big Fat Lies

by Jill Wolfson
PRMS hardcover 281 pages
genre: YA realistic, relationships

Eleven-year-old Whitney, aka Termite, is heading to foster home #12. This time, she' going away from big cities and out to logging country. She is active, loud, and mouthy. Her foster brother Striker and Mr. and Mrs. McCrary are nervous about adding her to their family, but the lumber layoffs and spotted owl protection have affected everyone in town. Whitney's presence means a monthly check for foster care. Mr. Cator, the science teacher, is a major character. Other foster children like Honeysuckle, Connie, and Josh (in a box) all add to the story. Nice, light, touches on the challenges in store for kids with no real home of their own.

Funniest / most unique part is Whitney's misuse of common expressions - that "stuck in my claw" and other malapropisms.

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