Monday, August 27, 2012

House of Odd

written by Landry Q Walker and Dean Koontz
illustrated by Queenie Chan
Hennepin County Library paperback unpaged
genre: graphic novel paranormal mystery

I didn't enjoy this one as much as the others. Ozzie's friend from Hollywood, Nedra, has bought a mansion near Pico Mundo. It seems to be haunted, so Ozzie sends Odd (and Stormy) to check it out. Nedra has called in a group of "ghostbusters" who do a tv show on hauntings. The three-person team (plus a cat) have interesting personality dynamics. Odd doesn't get his usual psychic magnetism "vibes" and Elvis can't seem to approach the house. Turns out there's a portal to hell and the demons are playing. Weird, but not one I'll re-read. (I usually kind of like weird stories.)

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