Sunday, May 22, 2011

The Lost Quilter

by Jennifer Chiaverini
Carver County Library, paperback 337 pages
genre: historical fiction, slavery, quilting

Sigh. When I impulsively grabbed this at the library TWO MONTHS ago, I was in the mood for a little quilting "escape." Too busy, it sat & I renewed it & it sat . . . until I could renew it no more. So I HAD to read it. Alas, it was a slavery story with quilting in it and not the sweet quilting escapism I longed for. But of course I read the whole thing, because that's the kind of person I am. So now I have to pay the late fees, I haven't done any quilting, and I find slavery stories in general to be incredibly depressing. What human beings have justified as acceptable is absolutely intolerable.

Joanna's story is ultimately a story of triumph over evil, but it wasn't an especially fun read. Well-written, but not what I was looking for in a Chiaverini book.

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