Monday, April 04, 2011

Promises to Keep

by Ann Tatlock
Carver County Library, paperback, 343 pages
genre: Christian fiction, historical (1960s)

Roz (short for Rosalind) is at the center of this story about a woman and her three children who flee Minnesota and an abusive husband. Their lives are changed forever when Tillie comes to "her" house and inserts herself into their home. I liked the friendship between Roz and Mara a lot. I went from being irritated by Tillie to loving her. The dad creeped me out! And anyone who tries to manipulate a child by preying on her / his faithfulness as a child is just horribly wrong. Mara's maturity and character were amazing, especially as she struggled to understand her family. The end was much, much, much too quick, compressing decades into a few pages. Anti-climatic.

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