Sunday, September 22, 2019

The Medallion

by Cathy Gohlke
Scott County Library paperback 400 pages
genre: Christian historical fiction

This was our last month's book club book, but I just finished it! Part of the reason it was a slow read for me is that it is yet another book dealing with the horrors of the Holocaust. It's so difficult to read a fictional story about people and events that really happened in such an awful chapter of human history. It is a worthwhile read, but a very sad one.

Main characters:
Sophie (British, but married to a Polish fighter pilot - for the RAF - and stuck in Warsaw at the start of WWII)
Janek (her husband)
Rosa (Jewish and Polish, mother to Ania)
Itzhak (Rosa's husband, an electrician, also Jewish and Polish)
Matka (Rosa's mother)

I won't summarize much. Warsaw, Poland. WWII. Nazis. Cruelty to the point of sheer evil. Starvation. Deprivations. Death.

The medallion is a Tree of Life necklace that Itzhak gave to Rosa on their wedding day. When Rosa sends her toddler Ania away with Irena Sendler to try to save her life, she breaks the tree in half, intending to reunite the necklace along with her family after the war.

Page 357 - "I can handle this on my own. There is nothing I can't handle - just leave me alone."
"We're not meant to handle life alone, Sophie. It's too hard, too unpredictable, too messy and big. There is One who is willing and ready to help, to travel with us, if we let Him."
I love this scene! We don't get to know Carrie very well, but she has wise advice for her friend Sophie.

Page 371 - "What should I do, Lord? Not what do I want, this time, but what should I do? I can't do this alone - and I shouldn't." Finally! Sophie takes a long time to get to this point, but when she trusts the Lord, the situation changes.

Author's note, page 405 - "The Medallion is a reminder to help when help is needed, regardless of the cost to ourselves."

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