Monday, June 29, 2015

The Eyes of the Amaryllis

by Natalie Babbitt
PRMS hardcover 128 pages
genre: YA historical, supernatural

Wow. When I was weeding books like crazy this spring, it was hard. This is another that looked brand new, but it was published in 1977 and is stamped "Pioneer Ridge Freshman Center." So I read it to see if it should have been kept. No.

Jenny goes to stay with her Grandma Geneva at the house on the coast. Jenny is going to help grandma, who injured her ankle. Grandma is obsessed with checking the shoreline for items sent to her by her long-dead husband . . . whose ship sank decades earlier. Jenny gets sucked into the allure of being free at the beach, even though it involves middle-of-the-night searches of the shoreline for "a sign." (The tides dictate the day.) One day, she finds the figurehead from the ship - the Amaryllis was named for the flower and had the masthead of Geneva. Blah blah blah. At least it was short.

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