Sunday, December 21, 2014

The Whipping Boy

by Sid Fleischman
read by Spike McClure
Hennepin County Library audiobook 2 discs
genre: YA historical fiction, adventure

Re-read / listen. Jemmy the rat-catcher's son learns to read and write when he lives in the palace. Whenever he gets a beating for the prince's misbehavior, he refuses to cry out in pain, antagonizing the prince. Jemmy values the literacy he gains more than the fine clothes and good food, but plans his escape nonetheless. When Prince "Brat" informs Jemmy that they are running away together, Jemmy goes along so that he can ditch the prince as quickly as possible. They run into nefarious criminals Hold-Your-Nose Billy (garlic eater) and Cutwater and get further and further into trouble. Prince Brat really just wants a friend and clings to Jemmy as he realizes how very disliked he is throughout the kingdom.

They run into Betsy and her dancing bear Petunia, as well as the near-sighted Captain Nips (potato seller) on their run from the villains. A delightful short novel (novella?) and a fun one to share with kids. McClure's vocal work is excellent.

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