Friday, July 09, 2010

Her Mother's Hope

by Francine Rivers
Kim C's copy, hardcover, 483 pages
genre: Christian fiction, relationships, historical fiction

This was a very engaging book. My big frustration was with the main character, Marta, not talking with her husband or her daughter Hildemara about her childhood, her dad, her sister Elise. I wish I'd been able to go to the discussion for book club. It sounds as though they had a great conversation about mothers and daughters and the relationships that can get sticky. Communication is such a key!

Overall, I enjoyed this story of Marta overcoming horrible odds to be successful. I just thought she turned too bitter and nasty after she got married. Hildemara was a delightful character. The scene that really hit me hard was when her cruel teacher overheard her telling her sister about praying for the teacher. Powerful!

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