Sunday, June 02, 2024

Murder at the Piccadilly Playhouse

(A Cleopatra Fox Mystery)

by C.J. Archer

Libby audiobook  8 hours

Read by: Marian Hussey

Published: 2021

Genre: historical fiction, murder mystery

I enjoyed this story EXCEPT for the fact that Cleo continues to treat hunches as facts. Her assumptions turning into assertions is crazy-making! Other than that, I like the characters (and how she is in the middle of the staff and the fancy folk). I like the clues. I really like Mr. Armitage (though he's not in this story as much as the first one. 

In this one, an actress has died at the theatre. Suicide is determined, but Cleo is hired by the actress' wealthy (and married) patron. In addition, there's something fishy happening at the Mayfair and Cleo wants to identify some of the strangers she keeps running into.

I don't think I'll continue with this series. I like it but don't love it.

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