Saturday, June 22, 2024

Red Rover: Curiosity on Mars

By: Richard Ho

Illustrated by: Katherine Roy

Hennepin County picture book

Published: 2019

Genre: children's picture book, space program

This is another book I saw while working. I got it from the library thinking that I'd read it to decide if I wanted to buy it for my grandson. 

Joshua and I enjoyed reading it, but he told me that Perseverance is newer. So I had to read the book and look online to find that Curiosity was sent to Mars in 2012, but Perseverance went in 2020. That five year old knows more about the space program than I realized! The book is lovely and interesting, but I won't buy a copy. The diagrams and information were interesting, but the parts where the author anthropomorphizes the technology is a bit much . . . I'm pretty sure the rover isn't feeling lonely.

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