Thursday, March 06, 2025


Track series Book 2

By: Jason Reynolds

paperback free shelf 233 pages

Published: 2017

Genre: YA realistic fiction

Reynolds is such a good author! I like book 1 Ghost better, but Patina's story was worth reading. She runs partly because her mother lost her feet, then legs due to diabetes. She and her sister Maddy live with their aunt ("Momly") and uncle Tony. She also starts learning to run relays in this book.

I like Reynolds' dedication "For those who've been passed the baton too young." 


I love that the story opened with what happened at Ghost's race! Now I want to read the rest of the series. 

Patina is such a loving big sister. She braids Maddy's hair every week.


Page 8:  "I picked up the can of beads and shook them in her ear like one of them Spanish shaker things."

The language choices are jarring at times, but seem authentic to the character. I love that she gets Maddy to sit still for their braiding sessions. And she uses ninety red beads, which fall out as the week goes on.

Page 22: "Lord, please bless them with some soap. Some perfume. Anything. Make a miracle happen, or What have I done to deserve this? Father, why hath thou forsaken me?"

This made me laugh. Her mom makes the girls attend church with her each week. Patina describes the Thomases, their pew mates, as "smelling like they just puked up mothballs" as she prays for them.

Page 30: "The other thing about these girls is that it seems like they ain't never been told they can't do nothing. Never. I mean, they be wearing full faces of makeup and everything. Do you know what my mother would do if she saw me with my whole face made up for school like I was about to go on some kinda fashion photo shoot or something? She'd probably try to run over me with that wheelchair."

Again, the language choices challenge this teacher. But the observation that some girls (and boys) act as though they can do whatever they want to do rings true.

Page 36: "After school I never waste time at my locker. I scurry down to the end of the main corridor, eyes darting from forward to floor, through the mess of hair flippers, the wrath-letes (kids who feel like it's a sport to make everyone's life miserable), the know-it-alls, the know-nothins, the hush-hushes (super quiet, super shy), the YMBCs (You Might be Cuckoo) . . . "

She goes on, but I found her description of the different cliques to be interesting. I did make a note on a later page though with "YMBC?" . . . because I had forgotten that it stood for goth-type kids.

Page 85: "Like his dramatic voice is gonna make the poem any less wack. But hot sauce on cardboard is still cardboard."

She's talking about her English teacher, Mr. Winston, reading "The Charge of the Light Brigade" in a theatrical manner. The last comment made me laugh.

Page 166: "These things that I hadn't really thought about because Momly always just . . . did them. Which I also never . . . really . . . thought about."


Patina's realization that her aunt had been doing so many things for everyone in the household shows how this already mature girl is still growing up. The car accident that kept Momly in hospital, then home, affected everyone.


Page 203: "Let them know that I ain't gonna be buffing the floor by myself anymore. That I ain't no junk. . . . Maybe math actually was good for something. Somehow convincing yourself to stand up to hair flippers . . . "


I like that Patina found an inner strength and rose above the pettiness of the other girls. This story ends with a question about the end of the race. On to book three!

Wednesday, March 05, 2025

The Greek Gods

By: Bernard Evslin, Dorothy Evslin, &  Ned Hoopes

Illustrated by William Hunter

NPMS discard paperback 116 pages

Published: 1966

Genre: Greek mythology

I've had this book for ages and finally decided to read it. I don't think I'll keep it in my collection, but it was interesting to remember some of the myths I had learned about long ago. I liked the info at the back (afterword and word origins) that made good connections between these stories and words in modern day usage.

I don't think I have favorite stories . . . or even characters. I just find it interesting how stories were created to explain natural phenomena.

Sunday, March 02, 2025

All We Thought We Knew

By: Michelle Shocklee

Hennepin County Library hardcover 346 pages plus author's note, acknowledgements, and discussion questions

Published: 2024

Genre: Christian historical fiction

Our book club discussed this last Monday and I am far behind on blogging! I liked this book, but not nearly as much as the other Shocklee title we read and discussed in 2023 (Count the Night by Stars).

This story has Mattie Taylor in the 1960s, opposed to the Vietnam War and estranged from her family after her brother's death in that war. In the 1940s, we have Ava Delaney (it's quickly apparent that she is Mattie's mom) who is a young war widow after her husband Richard was killed at Pearl Harbor.

There were some mysteries, but the book was mostly clear about where the storylines were heading. Mattie (Martha) was pretty unsufferable in her know-it-all attitude and inflexibility to others' perspectives (not just about the war). Ultimately, though, there were enough interesting characters and details to make it a worthwhile read. We had a great discussion at book club.

Page 11: "The remembrance brought a soul-crushing hollowness with it. A deep void I'd endured since the day the telegram arrived, telling us my brother was never coming home. Nothing I'd tried the past year filled it. Drugs and free love masked it for a while. Yoga and Buddhist meditations hinted at peace, but the emptiness was always there. Dark. Dangerous. Pulling me toward a quick end to the pain."

So many people try to cover, hide, escape their emotional pain. Find Jesus! I think of the bumper sticker that says "No Jesus, No peace. Know Jesus, Know peace."

Page 17: "Most of the residents in the tenement were like him - foreigners hoping to improve their lot in life in America, the land of opportunity."

Gunther's story broke my heart. I think it hit me even harder seeing what is happening in America right now. Trump and his followers have that same "us vs. them" mentality about foreigners. I don't think our country is in a better place than in the 1940s regarding immigrants striving for a better life.

Page 22: "Any shred of hope Gunther had held on to since his arrest melted away as he looked across the dark water to the small patch of land where he'd taken his first steps onto American soil."

I cried here. He came to America to get away from the Nazi regime and to study to become a doctor. But because of his country of origin, he was arrested and punished.


Page 24: "The world continued to spin, and life went on, even if I wasn't ready to face it."


It's weird how during a trauma, you realize that other people are just going about their business and living their lives. You feel as though surely the world has stopped, but it's just your own situation.


Page 47: Despite the devastation in my life and in the world around me, I didn't want darkness and despair to win. Hope didn't make any promises, but it offered a glimpse of happiness, the kind I hadn't known in a very long time."


Ava is applying for a job at the base in Tennessee. Being a young widow was bad enough, but having a hostile mother-in-law was just too much. I liked her as a character.


Page  92: I'm not going to quote here. I was just so irritated by Mattie's selfish refusal to consider any opinion other than her own. Her insistence that if her dad really loved her mother, he would do anything and everything to fight the cancer is tone deaf. She wasn't considering what the challenges and pain would be for her mother; she just wanted to save the day and her mother's life. Although I can understand that desire, her selfish refusal to consider her parents' perspective was very immature.

Page 114: "If it were up to me, I'd keep the two of you right here on the farm with me and Dad forever, but I know I can't. That's where trust comes in. I've had to learn to trust that you're in God's hands, and that you'll make good choices according to the things we've taught you. I'll pray for Mark every single day, just as I'll be praying for you while you're in Nashville. But I have to let you both go."

Ava was a wise mom. Of course she wanted to protect Mark from the war and every other danger! She wanted to protect both her children. But she had to let them grow up and make their own decisions.

Page 135: "'Mattie, there comes a time when we have to accept that life and death are not in our hands. We in the medical profession do our best, but we aren't God. If I thought the doctors in Nashville could save your mom, I would've taken her there myself. The best thing you can do now is spend time with her and make her as comfortable as possible.'"

Dr. Monahan was wonderful. I'm glad Mattie finally started listening to someone instead of her own voice.

Page 161: "'You're not a horrible person.' His mouth quirked. 'A bit temperamental and overly sensitive, but not horrible.'" 

I loved Nash! He was my favorite character in the 1960s portion of the book. It was nice to have a little comic relief.

Page 185: When Mattie met Fred and started to show some compassion and awareness of other people's experiences and pain . . . it was a relief. I feel as though meeting the injured and depressed soldier was a turning point for her.

Page 227: "'I read an article in a medical journal not long ago about a doctor in Canada who started a therapeutic horseback riding program. If memory serves, his first patient was a woman who is quadriplegic.'"

Yay! I forget sometimes that things were quite different in the 1960s than they are now! This made me want to read about the history of these programs. It also made me think of Laurie Baer's His Haven Ranch. So cool!

Page 249: "Like many people in America, my mother-in-law and housemate passed judgement on thousands of people without knowing anything about them other than they were considered enemies of the United States."

Ugh. Again, just so sad. There are still many people like this.

Page 266: "I didn't know what just happened, but it felt monumental. Like a shift in the galaxy or something. Dad was a man of few words, so to hear him say he was proud of me - especially coming on the heels of his soul-wrenching reminder that I'd abandoned Mama when she needed me the most - completely caught me off guard."

I was so glad that Mattie and her dad were able to connect over the horses and helping wounded veterans.

Page 291: Ava finally confesses her big secret about who fathered Mattie and Mark. It was frustrating that it was such a huge, life-altering secret that was pretty apparent from early on in the book.

Page 292: "With nothing beyond dreary weather, barren landscape, and long boring hours to look forward to day after day, an escape through a good book was much appreciated."

I love that Gunther was able to read and appreciate books, and especially that Ava had given him her copy of a romance novel - I honestly don't remember if it was Pride and Prejudice or another similar title.

Page 306: "'You tried that once.' There was no judgement in his voice. Only compassion and honesty. 'Sometimes we can't run away from the hard things in life.'"

I loved Nash!

Page 316: I cried when Dr. Sonnenberg died. He had been such a wonderful mentor to Gunther. Lost dreams, lost lives.

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Assistant to the Villain

By: Hannah Nicole Maehrer

Libby audiobook 14 hours

Read by: Em Eldridge

Published: 2023

Genre: Fantasy adventure romance


I found this book by looking for available audiobooks in Libby. Book #2 in this series was available, so I looked for book #1. I checked it out and listened. There were things that were intriguing and I was hooked before the book started driving me crazy. Sadly, I pushed through to the end of the book to find out what happened.


The reader didn't really do it for me. I sped it up to 1.25x, then 1.3x  because I couldn't stand listening to her. (A friend said she listens to books at 1.8x speed in Audible! I don't like listening to chipmunk-sounding voices, so 1.3 was fast enough.)


I liked the line ". . . tragedy did that to a family - isolated them." It seems like such a sad truth. Sometimes when tragedy visits a family or a person, we just don't know how to respond and so we say / do nothing.


The more the book went on, the more irritated I was by the overwrought language and emotions. It was a crummy romance novel with too many irritating plot points. "Just kiss and move on!" 

Evangeline (Evie) runs into the Villain (aka Trystan Maverine). Looking up the spelling of his name, I learned that this was a TikTok thing before becoming a book . . . ugh. Literature it is not.

Some of the fantasy elements of the story drew me in, but what good is magic if you can't really use it? Evie's dad's betrayal was the nail in the coffin for me . . . no way do I want to read book two to find out what happens.

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Madly, Deeply: the Diaries of Alan Rickman

By: Alan Rickman

Foreward by: Emma Thompson

Libby audiobook 29:28 hours

Read by: Steven Crossley (foreward read by Bonnie Wright, editor's prologue by Alfred Enouch, afterword written and read by Rima Horton, Rickman's wife) 

Published: 2022

Genre: autobiography, memoir

From 1993 to 2016 (when he died), these diary entries are at times like a stream-of-consciousness to-do list and at other times, deeply moving. I wonder what he would think if he knew his private diaries would be published after his passing!

There were SO.many.names. Some of them I recognized; others were unfamiliar. He interacted with a lot of people and seemed to be most impressed with famous musicians. I wonder what it would be like to be written about in someone's diary and have it be published . . . I certainly hope Daniel Radcliffe has read this book!

What is "WAWA?" There were some names and details that flew right over my head. The narrator interjected at points to explain or clarify, but one of the hazards of listening to an audiobook vs. reading the print version is "missing" some of the text. I also want to get the print version to see photos! It must have photos.

Natasha who died in 2009 . . . who was she? Why was she important to Rickman? Ruby . . . just a friend? Seemed like a daughter or niece. 

It made me smile that after Harry Potter #2, he said, "No more Harry Potter!" and then went on to do all the rest that Snape was in.

Iraq War, Bush as "irrelevant," Rumsfeld and Cheney as the real power . . . his political observations for both the UK and the USA were interesting.

I want to watch so many things! Mesmer, Winter Guest, Die Hard 2 and 3 (how does he appear in movies after his character died in the first one?), . . . 

1994 Great Britain, John Smith, what was this about? I just went to Wikipedia to read up. Very interesting . . . and a tragic, untimely death.

He had so many issues with the places he lived - electrical, plumbing, etc. And he traveled SO MUCH! He was constantly flying to Toronto, LA, NYC, South Africa, Dublin, etc. and then back home again. 

<Above published 2.20.2025. Below added 3.02.2025.>

I got the print book from the Hennepin County Library (hardcover 441 pages plus appendix - diary entries from 1974-1982, afterword by his wife Rima Horton, and index).

I got this mainly to look at photographs. There were some and I enjoyed looking at them, but I wish there had been more!

I was stunned by the lovely illustrations in some of his journals! He was a very talented artist. 

I liked the look of his writing, but it's not the easiest to read. I'm glad someone took the time to type it up. Time to return this to the library and move on!

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Ghost (Track book 1)

By: Jason Reynolds

Scott County Library hardcover 181 pages

Published: 2016

Genre: YA realistic fiction

My oh my! It's been too long since I read a book by Mr. Reynolds. He is an amazing author! I had gotten a free paperback copy of Patina last summer, but I knew it was book two in a series and I don't like to read books out of order. So I finally just requested this from the library so I could move on with the book sitting on my shelf!

Because this is written for middle school readers, has short chapters and can be considered a "quick read," it's easy to forget the power in his stories.

Castle "Ghost" Cranshaw vividly recalls the night his father pulled a gun on him and his mother. Since then, it has just been the two of them - mom works hard to keep them housed and fed. Ghost has more anger in him than he can deal with and always regrets causing his mom disappointment when the anger comes out.

I loved this book. I even cried!

Page 9: "But I always had this feeling that if I could just get on, I'd be the next LeBron. But I never wanted to be the next . . . whoever the most famous runner is. I never even thought about it."

This made me smile, but also think about how our culture creates heroes out of certain types of people. Nobody knows the name of the firefighter who has saved the most lives . . . but we all know who Kanye West is. (Ghost does go on to figure out that Usain Bolt is the fastest man alive.)

Page 31: "Then I was asleep for ten hours. I'm grumpy when I don't get at least eight. Some people would say I'm grumpy even when I do, but they don't know nothing . . . "

This also made me smile. Sleep is so valuable! I don't often get 8-10 hours of it, but I definitely suffer when I don't get enough.

Page 65: "I could feel the altercation-ness creeping up in my chest like a new kind of lightning. The black was turning red again, and I really wasn't trying to be a repeat offender of the bully beat-down."

Reading this helps me think about students who always seem to be in trouble . . . perhaps they're trying really hard to control their feelings and actions. Perhaps they're dealing with something that would tip me over the edge. How do we teach kids the best way to process deep feelings rather than resorting to violence? (I also like the inventiveness of words like "altercation-ness" - since Ghost has been warned to avoid any more altercations.)

Page 95: ". . . and cases of Worcestershire sauce (war-sess-ter-shyer . . . worst-tester-shier . . . gotta be a world record holder for hardest word) and moved them to the stockroom."

Ghost loves reading the Guinness Book of World Records, so that theme comes up a lot. I completely agree on how hard it is to properly say that word! I call it "W sauce" and Louie laughs at me.

Page 149: ". . . I'd planned on telling her that Coach got them for me, and then hope and pray that she never thanked him. When I think about it now, that was the stupidest idea ever."

I was thankful that Coach figured out what Ghost had done. I was so glad Ghost had not been able to compound the problem with more lying and hiding. The confession in the athletic store was hard, but so very necessary for him as a character. I did love that he was actually trying to protect his mom and not compound her stress - either in terms of financial or parenting. He did some wrong things for understandable reasons.

Page 179: "Sunny cheering, an orange slice in his mouth, the peel like a bright mouthpiece."

That brought back images from childhood! How fun to wear an orange peel as an artificial smile.

The book ended without us knowing the outcome of the race! I don't know if I like that or not. Did Ghost win? Lu? One of the other runners? It's a pretty brilliant way to close the story. This would be a wonderful book club book. I'm ready to read book two!

Saturday, February 08, 2025


By: Randy Alcorn

Libby audiobook 1 hour

Read by: Randy Alcorn

Published: 2004 (this version 2008)

Genre: Non-fiction, theology

I didn't realize when I requested this that it was a "short" version of a full length book. There was quite a long waiting list for it and I wanted to make sure I read it before I had to return it. In one hour, Alcorn does an overview of his longer complete title.Honestly? I don't plan to read the full book.

As a believer, I don't have some of the questions that he is trying to helpfully answer here. If anything, listening to this made me want to dig into Scripture and read more for myself. I don't especially enjoy (or fully understand) Revelations, but there is a lot there to indicate what our post-human on Earth life will look like. 

As a child, I remember thinking, "I don't want to sing praises to God for 10,000 years!" whenever we sang Amazing Grace. But I'm not a child any more. As much as I love this life I get to live, Heaven with God for eternity sounds much better. 

Good food for thought here.

Sunday, February 02, 2025

The Girl in His Shadow

By: Jaima Fixsen and Regina Sirois (united pen name: Audrey Blake)

Libby ebook 35 chapters

Published: 2021

Genre: historical fiction, romance

Set in 1845 London, little Eleanor is the only survivor of the deadly cholera that took the rest of her family. Taken in (as an experiment - she survived cholera, so is she now immune?) by Dr. Horace Croft, she is raised in an unusual household where dead bodies are delivered by grave robbers during the night and scientific specimens litter the house.

Some of the details were fascinating and very evocative of the era. When Dr. Gibson and Miss Nora Beady started flirting over corpses, it just got weird. 

For her to absorb so much medical knowledge while not being allowed to actively participate outside the confines of Dr. Croft's space was frustrating for Nora. The opportunity to study in Italy opens the door to book two.

Chapter 6: "Women, as the morally superior gender, were made for "sweet ordering," for instilling Christian principles in children and comforting weary men after the trials of the day."

Nora was definitely not a typical woman of her time!

Chapter 13: "All men were destined to end up in the grave. It might be best if he waited here until his day came."

This is after Dr. Gibson (Daniel) went off on Dr. Vickery and got drunk at the club. I don't think most of us think about the fact that we're all destined to end up in the grave. . . . 

Chapter 18: "After that he maintained a steady flow of patients and distracted himself enough that he only felt the stab of remorse and humiliation slice through him once an hour or so."

Poor Daniel! It's awful to torment yourself. The distractions helped, but he was still feeling the sting of his demotion and embarrassment. 

Chapter 33: "Passing muster in French and Latin taxed her to her limit. Believing she could muddle through in Italian . . . but human bodies were the same everywhere, and other students would share notes."

I did like Nora's mental quickness and can do attitude. She is a wonderful protagonist. I can't imagine how hard it was for women to pioneer in traditionally male roles with so much criticism and censure.

Chapter 33: " . . . though his color told her he'd not been dead very long. How quickly they lose all trace of themselves."

Nora is looking at the body of Mr. Wilhems, a person she'd known and helped treat during his life. His dead body no longer looks like him. I think of the open casket funerals I've been to, where there is so much makeup slathered on that the person looks more like a dummy or a wax figurine. Death is not pretty.

Author's Note (Fixsen): "The heartbreaking truth is that thinking women were forced by convention to work anonymously or in the shadow of husbands, brothers, and fathers, and not merely in the field of medicine."

Sad truths about the past. And the present, a little bit?


Author's Note (Sirois): ". . . but never has one narrow field of study so seduced me. What pathos! What egos! What terrible courage and heartbreaking ignorance!"


I love when authors gush over their interests and that fascination leads to research that results in a book.

I'll probably go ahead and read book two. There were two chapters of it at the end of this book. Way to reel me in!

Although I didn't care for the weird romance scenes (over dead bodies - really?) I liked the compassion and curiosity both Nora and Daniel had toward medical science and helping people have better, healthier lives. I was disappointed in Harry but understood why he did what he did. Mrs. Phipps the housekeeper was a wonderful character. 

I also liked the Author's Notes (there were two people and neither was named Audrey!) and the Q&A with the authors. Very interesting.

Saturday, February 01, 2025

Jane Eyre

By Charlotte Brönte

Libby ebook . . . 

Published: 1847 (this version 2012)

Genre: gothic fiction, romance (nowadays, we'd call it historical!)


I have read this book many, many times, but have not apparently ever blogged about it! I thought I would surely be adding to a previous entry. Alas, I highlighted many passages and words. I really love this book. I love that this version had the preface from "Currer Bell," Brönte's alias when the book was published. 


I'll dive right in with my "notes" and then try to figure out why I love this book so darn much!


Preface: "Men too often confound them: they should not be confounded: appearance should not be mistaken for truth; narrow human doctrines, that only tend to elate and magnify a few, should not be substituted for the world-redeeming creed of Christ."


Her excessive use of colons aside, I like the notion that human doctrines should not be substituted for Christ's redemption. I won't take the time now to dig in to what people in 1847 thought of "Currer Bell" or why Brönte chose this name, but I am a bit curious to know more.


Chapter 1:  Of these death-white realms I formed an idea of my own: shadowy, like all the half-comprehended notions that float dim through children's brains, but strangely impressive.

I love how she uses language so expressively and how she also captures the way a child's brain can work. In this scene, Jane is reading Bewick's History of British Birds and the description of the birds' habitat has struck such a powerful image in her mind. Right after this is when her cousin John Reed comes and harasses her.

Chapter 2: I was a precocious actress in her eyes; she sincerely looked on me as a compound of virulent passions, mean spirit, and dangerous duplicity.

It is so ironic to me that Mrs. Reed was incredibly vile to her niece while her own children were the really awful ones.

Chapter 4: ". . .. I doated on this little toy. . . "

I simply had to look it up. "Doat" is an archaic form of the word "dote." I love (and sometimes dislike) how language changes!


Incidental note: the Libby ebook had the chapter numbers in Roman numerals; my print book has the chapter numbers written out fully. I am simply choosing to write the numbers here.


Chapter 5: I was now nearly sick from inanition, having taken so little the day before.

I understood, of course, that she was faint from hunger, but I was curious about the word "inanition," especially since Blogger is giving it the little red squiggle line that means it is misspelled. The dictionary recognizes it as a legitimate word meaning "

exhaustion caused by lack of nourishment." Perhaps one reason I like this book so much is because I'm a word nerd and I love her use of the English language!

Chapter 5: " . . . it was "Rasselas;" a name that struck me as strange, and consequently attractive."

The semi-colon after the title . . . why, Charlotte? And now I'm curious to read The History of Rasselas, Prince of Abissinia (which is what turned up in a Google search).

Chapter 6: ". . . if I do anything worthy of praise, she gives me my meed liberally."

"Meed" instead of "Mead" caught my attention. Ah! I was in the wrong. "
  1. a deserved share or reward.
    "he must extract from her some meed of approbation"
Similar-sounding words
meed is sometimes confused with mead and mede

Chapter 6: "Life appears to me too short to be spent in nursing animosity or registering wrongs. We are, and must be, one and all, burdened with faults in this world: but the time will soon come when, I trust, we shall put them off in putting off our corruptible bodies; when debasement and sin will fall from us with this cumbrous frame of flesh, and only the spark of the spirit will remain, . . . "

This is one of those places where I simply say "Yes!" Life is far too short to get bogged down in being upset.

Chapter 7: " . . . a double ration of bread - a whole, instead of a half, slice - with the delicious addition of a thin scrape of butter: it was the hebdomadal treat to which we all looked forward from Sabbath to Sabbath."

This reminds me so much of Dickens' poor orphans! To consider an entire slice of bread with a "scrape" of butter as a treat! Once a week! And "hebdomadal" simply means "weekly." I thought for sure it had a more significant meaning! But I needed to look it up, so go Charlotte!

Chapter 8: "Exhausted by emotion, my language was more subdued than it generally was when it developed that sad theme; and mindful of Helen's warnings against the indulgence of resentment, I infused into the narrative far less of gall and wormwood than ordinary. Thus restrained and simplified, it sounded more credible: I felt as I went on that Miss Temple fully believed me."

Oh, Jane. I, too, often fill my storytelling with too much drama and emotion. I'm glad she was exhausted enough to share her story well.

Chapter 8: "Then her soul sat on her lips, and language flowed, from what source I cannot tell."

Jane is listening to Helen Burns and Miss Temple and marveling at her friend's eloquence. I love that phrase "her soul sat on her lips."

Chapter 8: ". . . Cuyp-like groups of cattle . . . "

Again, I love being pushed in my understanding of the English language. "Cuyp" refers to a Dutch painter named Aelbert Cuyp who painted pastoral scenes in the 1600s. There are so many things I'm curious about and so many rabbit trails I can follow!

Chapter 9: "'My Maker and yours, who will never destroy what He created. I rely implicitly on His power, and confide wholly in His goodness: I count the hours till that eventful one arrives which shall restore me to Him, reveal Him to me.'"

Helen is answering Jane's question "Where is God? What is God?" I love Helen's response. She goes on to say:

"I am sure there is a future state; I believe God is good; I can resign my immortal part to Him without any misgiving. God is my father; God is my friend: I love Him; I believe He loves me."

This is a conversation the two girls have while Helen is on her deathbed. 

Chapter 10: "A new servitude! There is something in that," I soliloquised (sic) (mentally, be it understood; I did not talk aloud), "I knew there is, because it does not sound too sweet; it is not like such words as Liberty, Excitement, Enjoyment: delightful sounds truly; but no more than sounds for me; and so hollow and fleeting that it is mere waste of time to listen to them."

Her soliloquizing made me smile. I have so many internal conversations that I sometimes have to tell my brain to be quiet! Jane is contemplating leaving Lowood for a new situation.

Chapter 12: "This, par parenthese, will be thought cool language by persons who entertain solemn doctrines about the angelic nature of children, and the duty of those charged with their education to conceive for them an idolatrous devotion: but I am not writing to flatter parental egotism, to echo cant, or prop up humbug; I am merely telling the truth. I felt a conscientious solicitude for Adele's welfare and progress, and a quiet liking for her little self: just as I cherished towards Mrs. Fairfax a thankfulness for her kindness, and a pleasure in her society proportionate to the tranquil regard she had for me, and the moderation of her mind and character."

I just love the language she uses! The line just before "I am merely telling the truth" just rolls off the tongue. 

Chapter 13: "'Et cela doit signifier,' said she, 'qu'il y aura le dedans un cadeau pour moi, et peut-etre pour vous aussi, mademoiselle. Monsieur a parle de vois: il m'a demande le nom de ma gouvernante, et si elle n'etait pas une petite personne, assez mince et un peu pale. J'ai dit qu'oui: car c'est vrai, n'est-ce pas, mademoiselle?'"

I love that I know enough French to understand Adele's communication! Google translate has improved so much in recent years that I decided to see what nuance I may have missed. Translation: "And that must mean, "she said, 'that there will be a present inside for me, and perhaps for you too, mademoiselle. Monsieur spoke about you: he asked me the name of my governess, and if she was not a small person, quite thin and a little pale. I said yes: because it's true, isn't it, mademoiselle?" I don't know if I'm encouraged or disappointed that I didn't find any new meaning!


Chapter  13: "'Sir, you have now given me my 'cadeau;' I am obliged to you: it is the meed teachers most covet - praise of their pupils' progress.'"


I love this answer that Jane gives to Mr. Rochester's cross examination of her! Talk about calm under pressure. Adele's impulsiveness and emotion cannot take away from Jane's presence of mind and honest contemplation.


Chapter  17: The descriptions of the cleaning of Thornfield . . . I would love to have a team of servants to give my house a thorough cleaning of every bit of my house!


Chapter 17: ". . . in case of contumacy."


Again, the context clues helped me understand this. It is, however, a word I do not know well. "Stubborn refusal to obey or comply with authority" fits with how I understood it. (Mr. Rochester is talking about "fetching" Jane if she does not come to the drawing room after dinner.)


Chapter  17: "'As if loveliness were not the special prerogative of woman - her legitimate appanage and heritage.'"


Miss Blanche Ingram is waxing poetic about her thoughts on beauty and the sexes. "Appanage" means "a gift of land, an official position, or money given to the younger children of kings and princes to provide for their maintenance." (Historical) Basically, their inheritance. Whatever, lady.


Chapter  17: "'Here then is a Corsair-song. Know that I doat on Corsairs; and for that reason, sing it con spirito."


Again, the use of "doat" for "dote" and Blanche Ingram playing Queen Bee.


Chapter 18: " . . . pushing her away with some contumelious epithet if she happened to approach her . . . "


That Blanche again, being rude to Adele.  "Contumelious" is archaic according to It means "scornful and insulting; insolent."


Chapter 20: ". . . again, however, I head him call "Jane!" He had opened feel portal and stood at it, waiting for me." (Sic)


I re-read this several times and was confused. (Read it aloud and see what I mean.) In my paperback copy of the book, it reads ". . . again, however, I head him call "Jane!" He had opened the portal and stood at it, waiting for me."It's only one word - feel instead of the - but my distrust of relying on technology and especially AI sharpens in cases like this. That said, sometimes (too often!) I come across errors and typos when I re-read my blog entries. Human failure and tech failure . . . signs of imperfection everywhere.

Chapter 21: "Feeling without judgment is a washy draught indeed; but judgment untempered by feeling is too bitter and husky a morsel for human deglutition."

This reminded me so much of the teaching on God's love and God's truth. I'm not sure which quote I'm thinking of (Timothy Keller, John Bevere, . . . ) but here's one I found from Warren Wiersbe: "Truth without love is brutality, and love without truth is hypocrisy. God doesn't bless us just to make us happy; He blesses us to make us a blessing." Did I mention how much I like the way Brönte writes?

Chapter 22: "Then I thought of Eliza and Georgiana; I beheld one the cynosure of a ball-room, the other the inmate of a convent cell; and I dwelt on and analysed their separate peculiarities of person and character." 

I love words! "Cynosure" means "a person or thing that is the center of attention and admiration."

Chapter 22: ". . . not to send for a carriage, and come clattering over street and road like a common mortal, but to steal into the vicinage of your home along with twilight, just as if you were a dream or a shade."

"Vicinage" means just like it sounds - vicinity.

Chapter 22: " . . . stopped my cars . . . " (sic)

Of course it is "ears"! My brain really has issues with this.

Chapter 24: "I could not, in those days, see God for His creature: of whom I had made an idol."

Jane is nineteen years old and in love for the first time. She should cut herself some slack! It is too easy for us to idolize people who are most definitely not worth it! Only God deserves all glory and honor.

Chapter 27: ". . . his gripe (sic) was painful, and my overtaxed strength almost exhausted."

Checked the print book - yep. "grip" not "gripe." Where are the editors?! That said, it was nice to have a "print" book for our trip to Florida.

Chapter 28: "We know that God is everywhere; but certainly we feel His presence most when His works are on the grandest scale spread before us; and it is in the unclouded night-sky, where His worlds wheel their silent course, that we read clearest His omnipresence. I had risen to my knees to pray for Mr. Rochester. Looking up, I, with tear-dimmed eyes, saw the mighty Milky-way. Remembering what it was - what countless systems there swept space like a soft trace of light - I felt the might and strength of God. Sure was I of His efficiency to save what He had made: convinced I grew that neither earth should perish, nor one of the souls it treasured. I turned my prayer to thanksgiving: the Source of Lie was also the Saviour of spirits. Mr. Rochester was safe; he was God's, and by God would he be guarded. I again nestled to the breast of the hill; and ere long in sleep forgot sorrow."

Jane is homeless and penniless. She has left Thornfield and is searching for what she will do next.

Chapter 28: "I would fain at the moment have become bee or lizard, that I might have found fitting nutriment, permanent shelter here."

"Fain" is listed as archaic. It can be used as either an adverb or an adjective. Here it means with pleasure, gladly.

Chapter 28: "Life, however, was yet in my possession, with all its requirements, and pains, and responsibilities. The burden must be carried; the want provided for; the suffering endured; the responsibility fulfilled."

I love it when life triumphs over defeat!

Chapter 28: "Solitude would be no solitude - rest no rest - while the vulture, hunger, thus sank beak and talons in my side."

Hunger is simply not something that I experience often. And I have never been even remotely close to starvation. This description is powerful.

Chapter 29: "Prejudices, it is well known, are most difficult to eradicate from the heart whose soil has never been loosened or fertilised (sic) by education: they grow there, firm as weeds among stones."

Here, the author is observing Jane's approach to Hannah and setting her straight about some misconceptions she has. I can't help but think of modern day biases and prejudices, though.

Chapter 38: ". . . made fair progress in her studies. As she grew up, a sound English education corrected in a great measure her French defects . . . "

Jane is talking about Adele, but I can't help wonder how French readers view this perspective. It makes me giggle to think about cultural biases. One of the things I like about Jane Eyre is her mixture . . . 

Hmm. I posted this on 2.1.2025 and here I am on 2.12.2025 to add something. Apparently, I posted this before I finished writing it. Or I finished writing it but it didn't save? In any case, I have no idea how I was going to finish that sentence. I found a piece of paper with notes I wanted to record here.

Mr. Reed married the awful Miss Gibson and had John, Eliza, and Georgiana.

Mr. Reed had a sister, Miss Jane Reed. She married Mr. Eyre who was a poor clergyman and her family rejected her for it.

They had little Jane and then died.

Mr. Reed the clergyman had two siblings - a brother and a sister. The brother was John Eyre, a wine merchant in Madeira. The sister married Mr. Rivers and had three children - St. John, Diana, and Mary.

I'm too lazy to make a graphic here, but I found this online:

 Much thanks to the folks at for creating this!




By: Lisa Wingate

Libby audiobook, print copies from Scott County and Dakota County, 331 pages plus author's note and acknowledements

Read by: Christine Lakin, Jenna Lamia, and Dan Bittner

Published: 2024

Genre: Christian historical fiction

We discussed this at book club on Monday evening. Set in both the early 1900s and 1990, it traveled between young Olive Augusta Radley and park ranger Valerie Boren-Odell. I do have a spoiler alert below, if you've not read the book.


Page 19: "She didn't see that Tesco's kindliness is like a poison dripping on your skin. You don't know it's there till it seeps in."


Tesco was such a creepy awful character! For eleven year old Olive to see the way he was trying to groom little Nessa was just sad. A child shouldn't have to try to protect another child.


Page  43: "I'll let the water people have me. It's better than Tesco."


Again, for a child to be okay with facing death by drowning rather than have to return to a "stepfather" who's abusive and frightening is just so sad. This is one of those "nothing new under the sun" things . . . horrible, evil men who use little girls for their own sexual satisfaction is not just a modern day phenomenon.


Page  66: "He's a diminutive man in a beige cardigan, plaid polyester pants circa 1975, loafers, and a tweed fedora. With thick bottle-bottom glasses magnifying eyes of a bright amber hew, and a bulbous nose, he looks like a cross between Mr. Magoo and Tom Landry. A library ghost come to life."

This description of Mr. Wouda as he approaches Valerie made me laugh. I also wondered about the author's use of "hew" instead of "hue." What am I missing? The cut of his eyes?

Page 113: "The night and the scene are too beautiful to be wasted hating the people across the room. Hate is a thief that will steal everything and return nothing if you let it."

Valerie is wise in assessing the pointlessness of hating awful people. I'm surprised she could keep it together when the men in the diner were making rude comments to her son because of her job. I'm not good at holding in my vitriol when I'm angry.

Page 113: "Charlie picks that exact moment to surface from finger-sampling his dessert. His thick brown eyelashes fly upward. 'We're getting a puppy?'"

I love this! Little kids and puppies . . . made me smile.

Page 242: "The right thing is hardly ever the easy thing, Val. That was one of the last pieces of advice my dad offered before he died."

Valerie (like Olive) had learned a lot from a positive father figure. I loved that parallel.

Page 250: "That's how strong a tree, or a person, or a family is. Strong as the roots, see? . . . The old shelterwood trees keep the forest safe from the wind and the weather, from too much sun and heat in the summer, too much snow in the winter. They're strong and pull up the water from down deep in the drought times, hold the soil so everything smaller can grow, and all of that comes from the roots of this big ol' tree. The old take care of the young, just like a family."

Olive's dad taught her so much wisdom in her young life. (He died when she was around eight years old?)

Page 270: I'm not quoting anything from this page, but I was so incredibly agitated when Ollie ran into the laundry man in the alley and she was being drawn in by her fear and his tricks. I kept wanting to yell, "Run!" I put a tab here simply because of my visceral fear that she would be taken and hurt.

Page 279: "On the tax rolls it's listed under the name Hazel Rusk, . . . "

When Curtis said this to Valerie, my mind spun into possibilities. I was sure Hazel (Nessa's older sister) had been molested and killed by Tesco. Then I wondered if one of the girls had survived and used her name. Early on in the book, I was sure that the three buried children in the cave were Hazel, Olive, and Nessa. As the book went on, my thoughts about the dead children changed. The author really kept me wondering!

Page 280: "I'll circle back to this uncertainty again and again. Maybe it will always be this hard. To trust. To let anyone in after losing Joel. The people you're close to aren't guaranteed. They can be gone in an instant."

True story. Value the time you have now and the people in your life. Life is short and precious.

Page 301: "Skeedee's been a good friend to me, and he deserves better. Nothing should belong to Tesco Peele, ever."

Olive feels sad for the horse to have to be owned by that awful man! Skeedee had been a good horse (and friend) to her.

Page 313: "Shelterwood is an obscure forestry term for older, larger trees that protect the smaller, younger growth beneath. I know the word. I can quote the definition, but it won't help me build a case."

Valerie is smart and well-educated, but confused. Olive (aged now) goes on to explain the name for Shelterwood (the home the children made) to Valerie and Curtis. I do love when the author "explains" the book's name. Just as the term refers to forestry, in some ways Olive played that role in protecting Nessa. 

Page 313: "But one must never believe what can be read in the history books about powerful men. The wealthy have the privilege of writing their own stories as they like. Tonight I will tell you what is true."

I'm so thankful that in my freshman year of college, Dr. Idzerda had us reading first person accounts - diaries, letters, etc. History is made up of people's stories. We all experience things differently and we tend to interpret history through our own experience. 

Page 317: "'But it is an eternal truth . . . and you young people remember this, if you remember nothing else I say.' The storyteller locks eyes with each of us, one by one. 'Your burden will often become your salvation. It was only for this reason, the burden of a remarkably heavy load of wood, that those two girls from the attic, Ollie and Nessa, were not separated forever the evening Shelterwood was destroyed."

I was going to type more of this paragraph, but the main point here is the idea that your burden can become your salvation. We talked about it at book club. Sometimes what we struggle with helps us become who God wants us to be. For all the female characters in this story, strength grew through adversity.

Page 322: "We don't always get what we seek in places like this. I've been involved in enough court cases to know that justice is not the idealized woman on the statues, blindfolded and draped in flowing robes. She's battered and chipped, and she has picked herself up from a million hard falls, dusted off her scales, and gone back to work."

Justice is a powerful concept. I like the author's description here.

Page 326: "My heartstrings tug, and I want to call my mother and my grandmother, the women who built me - who implanted the idea that whatever path I chose for myself, I could conquer it."

Valerie has a wonderful connection to the women who raised her. Olive's mother succumbed to drugs and alcohol and was simply not able to help Olive become a strong woman. Olive did that on her own, with her dad's teachings to guide her.


*** Spoilers ahead***

Page 327: "'I'll never know, but there is only one notation of three girls: Ara, Alma, and Addie Crooms. He wrote beside their names, Killed in a wagon accident, with a question mark. Their burial was the last time he did such terrible work. Perhaps he couldn't stomach it after that.'"

Olive has her dad's journal. This passage solves the mystery of the bones in the cave, but not so much what he had actually done in Mr. rich guy's employ.

Page 333 (Author's Note): "While the Horesthief Trail National Park in the book is fictional, its development, land mass, and historical features mirror those of the Winding Stair Mountain National Recreation Area . . . "

Makes me want to visit Oklahoma!


Page 337: "The guardian had, in total, court-sanctioned control over fifty-one allotment-wealthy children, many of whom he had no means of locating. Kate's department prosecuted the man and sought to regain the children's money and property. In the process, Kate and her small staff exposed a system of graft, greed, and political favors that included not only the guardians themselves, but everyone from local merchants to lawmen and probate court judges. Kate's attempts to put an end to the graft were foiled at every turn, and she was eventually steamrolled by forces more powerful than she could ever have imagined. After her second term, she was drummed out of office, her crusade silenced and left to fade."

Kate Barnard was not a familiar name to me and I love how Wingate used historical fact to enhance her story's intensity. It shouldn't shock and horrify me that people allow greed to be their (im)moral compass. How horrific to "adopt" children merely to steal their resources! A lot of times, reading this book made me think of what I learned when reading Rez Life.

Page 344 (Acknowledgements): "What lucky people we readers are that we live not just one life, but many, and diving into yet another is as easy as opening a book."

This is followed by her extensive bibliography. Wingate really does a lot of research for her books! One of the things I really liked about this book was the portrayal of Valerie's reality as a female park ranger in 1990. I wish we had learned more about her earlier life and what happened to her husband, but perhaps I just wasn't a careful enough reader.

Saturday, January 04, 2025

Jeanne's Thoughts

I still have over 260 titles on my old Excel "Reading Log." It has been handy for me to have a place to house my book thoughts, which is why I continue to blog my reading and transfer those old entries to this blog.

But there are still lots of gaps! I've read a LOT of books since I started reading around age five or six. Perhaps I need to reevaluate my time management choices. . . . but for now, I'll continue to blog the books I finish (whether print, e, or audio) and transfer a few at a time from my old system.

Right now, it's time to move on to something else!

Diary of a Wimpy Kid (reading log)

By: Jeff Kinney

CMSW hardcover 217 pages

Published: 2007

Genre: YA humor

My 11.27.2007 description:

Greg Heffley is a typical middle school kid who writes about his experiences and perspective on things.

My 11.27:2007 reaction:

IMHO, this kid's a little jerk. The book made me laugh a couple of times, and it will be easy to booktalk.

Added 1.4.2025:

There are now at least 15 titles in this series. The one major redeeming quality is that non-readers are usually willing to read these books. The drawings, simple text, and offbeat scenarios are appealing to lots of middle schoolers. I personally don't like them, but I'm grateful that Kinney has put out so many books that are appealing to tweens and some teens.

The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane (reading log)

By: Kate DiCamillo

CMSW hardcover 198 pages

Published: 2006

Genre: YA fantasy


My 11.26.2007 entry description:

A fancy china rabbit is well loved by Abilene, but he is too selfish to return her affection. He goes overboard, gets fished out, is taken care of by the old fisherman's wife, is tossed into the garbage by her middle-aged daughter, etc.  until of course, he ends up back with Abilene years later.

My 11.26.2007 reaction:

I admit, I cried when he returned to Abilene and he now knew how to love.

The People of Sparks

Book 2 in the Ember series

By: Jeanne DuPrau

Libby audiobook 8 hours

Read by: Wendy Dillon

Published: 2004

Genre: YA dystopian, adventure

I'm surprised I don't have a blog entry for this. In fact, looking back at my blog makes me realize I've not been as diligent as I thought I was . . . 

The City of Ember blog entry was first published in 2017 and added to recently when I listened to the audiobook.

I KNOW I read The People of Sparks long ago when it was "new." I cannot, however, find my review of it.

I didn't remember reading The Diamond of Darkhold at all (it's technically book 4, but it logically follows People of Sparks.) But I blogged about it in 2009!

I DO remember reading book 3 - the "prequel" The Prophet of Yonwood, but I can't find an entry for it. I remember feeling disappointed in it. It seemed as though the author was more interested in making a sociological statement than in helping readers understand why the City of Ember was initially created. (It's kind of a WWIII scenario, I think.) 

In any case, Lina and Doon are happy when the rest of the people of Ember join them above ground. The Mayor and his ne'er-do-wells came to a bad end down in the river, so there is no leadership. Over 400 people walk until they come to Sparks, a settlement of 300+ people. Conflict ensues - will there be enough food for everyone? Where will the newcomers live? 

There was a lot of "us vs. them" that humans are so susceptible to. I'm not a huge fan of this reader's vocal work. Yes, Torren (?) is an awful brat, but her whiny interpretation made him completely unbearable. Dr. Hester and her herbal remedies, the guy from Ember who was "too old" to work and so set out to organize the room of books, Maddie the trader who walked away from Casper and his schemes, . . . lots of good characters and conflicts.

Friday, January 03, 2025

Vincent van Gogh

After watching a movie on van Gogh (blogged here), I decided to get a few books about him. I've had them from the library for several renewals and am finally ready to return them!

Vincent van Gogh: His Life in Art edited by David Bomford was fascinating. There were essays by Nienke Bakker, Renske Suijver, and Renske Cohen Tervaert. There were "contributions" by Helga K. Aurisch, Laura Minton, and Dena M. Woodall. This book is paperback and 170 pages long. There are plenty of van Gogh paintings in it.

On page 23, after an excerpt from one of his letters to his brother Theo, the author says "This was the beginning of an unprecedented period of productivity: in the seventy days he spent in Auvers, Van Gogh completed about seventy-five paintings and more than a hundred sketches and drawings . . . ." Amazing! I can't fathom this amount of creative output.

Later on page 23, he is quoted, "I feel - a failure - that's it as regards me - I feel that that's the fate I'm accepting. And which won't change any more." His mental health was so bad. He didn't start painting until he was in his thirties. He was dead from suicide at age 37. He had so much passion and so much depression. Reading this made me wonder if Louie and I would ever go to Europe. I would love to see Amsterdam and visit the museum.

Vincent van Gogh by Victoria Charles was a 160 page hardcover book. I enjoyed looking at the photographs and reading excerpts of letters, but the text was off-putting. It's as though the author was trying too hard to dramatize an already dramatic life. I stopped reading her writing and just focused on the van Gogh pictures and letters. 


I've also read online a bit about the artist's namesake and nephew. I love that he was known as "Vincent van Gogh the engineer" to distinguish him from his uncle. I love that Theo took care of his older brother for much of their adult lives, but am sad that he also died so young - from syphilis!"