Monday, September 23, 2024

Winning the War in Your Mind: Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life

By: Craig Groeschel

Hennepin County Library hardcover 231 pages

Published: 2021

Genre: Non-fiction, faith, psychology

I loved this book! I loved it so much I plan to buy a few copies - one for me to keep and re-read and two to give to others. Praise God for the right book at the right time . . . which leads me back to The Book!

Page 55: "The truth, not just for me but for you, is that our value is based not on what we do but on who made us (Ps. 139:13-16). That's why paintings that may look goofy to me are worth millions of dollars. Because if they were painted by Pablo Picasso, the value is in the hundreds of thousands or millions. So if God made me, I have tremendous value even if I do not have the approval of other people."


This was such an interesting way of stating our value. As someone who grew up with a lot of self-deprecating humor, it can be hard to value myself. God's Word tells me differently! Reading Psalm 139 is like a love letter with the Lord.

Page 91: "Draw your declarations from God's truth and make them your own. . . . Write your declarations in a way that will speak to you and inspire you. Put them in places where you can quickly see them and memorize them. . . . Repetition will dig your new trench deeper and deeper, making the new pathway easier and more accessible."


He had so many great examples in this chapter. This is more than just simple affirmations; this is taking God's Word and making it personal. Reading this reminded me of the power of reading Neil Anderson's Victory Over the Darkness. The absolutely transformative power of reading Scriptures in "I am . . . " form blew my mind 30+ years ago!

Page 92: "Don't be discouraged. Don't give up. The gravitational pull toward your old negative thoughts will likely be stronger than you can imagine. Resist those lies. Keep renewing your mind with God's truth, and it will become true of you."


I really appreciate his conversational writing style, personal examples, and encouragement.


Page 102: "Why do we meditate on God's truth and God's love and God's great deeds? One reason is because it allows us to get the maximum amount of spiritual nutrition out of our godly thoughts. 

There's another reason: repetition is the reason for ruts."


At our church, we often say, "Repetition is the key to mastery." I thought of that often while reading this book. Sadly, if your repetition is a litany of all your problems or faults, it will not be helpful to living the life God intends for you! Repetition of God's Word is nourishment for our souls.

Page 105: "The goal of meditating on God's Word and on our declarations is automaticity. We want to fall into the new trench, which will lead us into the right thoughts and actions. Automatically."


The idea of exercise, practice, and mental automaticity made sense to me. I like when a situation brings a Scripture to mind. "The joy of the Lord is my strength" has been frequent lately. (Apparently, "automaticity" is not an accepted word in Blogger. However, says: "Automaticity definition: the quality or fact of being performed involuntarily or unconsciously, as a reflex, innate process, or ingrained habit.")

Page 123: "The third tool to change your thinking is the Reframe Principle: Reframe your mind, restore your perspective. (The first tool is the Replacement Principle: Remove the lies, replace with truth. The second tool is the Rewire Principle: Rewire your brain, renew your mind.)"


I just wanted to capture the three main parts of the book, so I put a post-it note here. Replace, Rewire, Reframe. The fourth part is Rejoice.

Page 143: "The frame through which you look at the world may not be the one you picked up on your own. Sometimes other people force the frame on you."

  • Your father said you would never amount to anything.
  • Your mother made you feel unattractive and overweight even when you lost weight.
  • Kids at school told you to just accept the fact that you were a loser.
  • A grandparent insisted only rich people are important.

Maybe you have a cognitive bias constructed by other people. You accepted what they told you as truth, and even though it was a lie, ever since it has affected your life as if it were true."


Ooh. This hit hard. How much of my life have I had a mental tape of qualities other people attributed to me? I grew up identifying with, "I am selfish." My mom told me often when I was a child how selfish I was. My dad constantly praised some of my characteristics and nit-picked me about others. Ironically, he was super critical about my weight and eating habits. I don't miss that dynamic!


Page 166:



I grabbed a picture of this page because I didn't want to re-type it all. I love the language and the positivity!







Page 172: "God doesn't want you do it (prayer) "the right way" either. He wants you to be yourself, just like he made you. Let your needs be known in the way that feels right to you. Pray your way.

You might talk your prayers, yell your prayers, sing or journal them. You might pray long or you might pray short; just make sure you pray. There is no perfect way. Just pray.

When you pray, ask with confidence."


This brought to mind the book on prayer I recently read by C.S. Lewis. I like Groeschel's plain language. I don't want to overthink, overplan, or overanalyze my praying. I just want to spend time drawing near to the Lord! 

Time to figure out where I want to buy copies of this since I'm trying to not use Amazon any more!



Wednesday, September 18, 2024

The Labors of Hercules Beal

By: Gary D. Schmidt

Libby audiobook 8 hours

Read by: Fred Berman

Published: 2023

Genre: YA realistic fiction, humor


There are things about Schmidt's writing that irritate me . . . like the excessive repetition of words and phrases. At least in this book, there's a bit of a purpose to it, but it's still irritating.


Hercules is a twelve-year-old seventh grader living with his older brother Achilles at the Beal Brothers Nursery. Their parents died in a car crash the previous year and life is very different for both of them. 

"Herc Beal knows who he's named after - a mythical hero - but he's no superhero. He's the smallest kid in his class. So when his homeroom teacher at his new middle school gives him the assignment of duplicating the mythical Hercule's amazing feats in real life, he's skeptical. After all, there are no Nemean Lions on Cape Cod - and not a single Hydra in sight."

By the time we get to chapter 13 - "The Golden Apples of the Hesperides" - I was crying. This book has heart. And grief. And growth.

  • Viola (Achilles' girlfriend, then fiancee) is not a vampire
  • Mindy (Hercules' dog) and Pirate Cat (from one of his labors) accompany Herc to the dunes in the morning to watch the sun rise and say good morning to his parents
  • Ellie has to move away to Ohio and she and Hercules really miss one another
  • Lieutenant Colonel Hupfer (Danny from The Wednesday Wars) is married to Mai Tee! (Not sure how to spell her name, but it took me until the end of the book to make the connection. I loved his character SO MUCH! 
  • I love how each of the labors corresponded to the myth. I love how Hercules grew as a character and his 150-word "reflections" went from basic to more expressive. 
  • I love how he tried to rescue "Ira" the statue from auction with only $76 for his dear neighbor who missed her husband.
  • I love how he and the cranky bus driver became friends of a sort.


I kind of want to re-read Lizzy Bright to see if the irritating repetition of words and phrases is present in that book, too. The last two of his I've read have had it. Other than that, this is another wonderful book by Schmidt. 

The vocal work by the reader was fantastic! He captured the different characters very effectively.

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Be More Chill

By: Ned Vizzini

Adapted by: David Levithan

Art by: Nick Bertozzi

Discarded hardcover 139 pages

Published: 2021

Genre: YA coming of age, SciFi (a bit)


Apparently, this story was written as a novel by Vizzini in 2004. Then it was made into a musical. Now Levithan and Bertozzi have turned it into a graphic novel.

"Jeremy is your average high school dork. Day after day, he stares at beautiful Christine, the girl he can never have, and dryly notes the small humiliations that come his way. Until the day he learns about the 'squip.' A pill-size supercomputer that you swallow, the squip is guaranteed to bring you whatever you most desire in life."

The squip and technology "advancements" in general are what made me call this SciFi. It isn't so far-fetched with AI and other recent techno to think that someday we can have something like a "squip." The results, of course, are awful. (But then, any time humans try to improve upon God's creation . . . )

It was a well-written and drawn book. I had not heard of this musical or novel before. I will donate this book to a high school teacher. I think it would appeal to some readers quite a bit.

I liked Christine and Jeremy's friend (whose name I can't find right now). This was an interesting read. It would make for a good book club discussion with teens.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Sunny Makes Her Case

By: Jennifer L. Holm & Matthew Holm

donated paperback 218 pages

Published: 2024

Genre: YA graphic novel, realistic fiction


I grabbed this off the free cart at work (it had some damage to the back cover) because I like Holm's work and I've read one or two other "Sunny" books. I figured I'd read it, then donate it to a language arts teacher friend for their classroom library.


I'm keeping it.


I loved this book! The 70s references were fantastic! HoJo, fondue parties, ABC Afterschool Specials, . . . this really resonated with me. Then the classic athletics vs. academics . . . Sunny and her friend Arun decide to start a debate team. This was so fun to read! I love how Sunny grew as a debater. What a fun book! (When I was twelve, my mom told me I should become a lawyer because of how much I argued.)

I marked page 157 because their debate coach, Mr. Roy (the physics teacher) says, "You're not going to meet too many people in life who agree with you on everything. So learning to understand where someone is coming from is a crucial life skill. It will make you a great debater and an even better human being."

He's talking about being able to argue either side of a topic. "Arguing for an issue you don't agree with forces you to see that issue from the other side." Wow. 


There's the cute guy from her summer job, Tony, who keeps trying to ask her out on a date. There's her wonderful, tell-it-like-it-is grandpa. I may need to read all the other Sunny books!

I'm definitely keeping this book on my graphic novel shelf.



The Brightwood Code

By:  Monica Hesse

Libby audiobook 8 hours

Read by: Saydee Dickinson

Published: 2024

Genre: historical fiction

I need to start this by saying I didn't like it. 

Why did I spend eight hours listening to a book I didn't like? Because it was interesting, initially. The "Hello Girls" of WWI were telephone operators (new technology!) who went to France (and presumably other locations) to help with the war. That historical aspect was the best part of the story.

We meet Etta St. James in the "modern" time of 1918 and flash back to what happened to her as a Hello Girl earlier in the war. In the "modern" time, she is living at her aunt Tess's boarding house and working for Bell. She doesn't care about her appearance and doesn't clean up her room. She is somewhat antisocial and just in "survival" mode.

When we flash back to her impulsive 18-year old self and the decision to go to France, she seems more likable. She meets Luke and a few other people. There are codes to be memorized every day. She needs to be able to translate between English and French flawlessly and quickly.

The word "Brightwood" has huge significance throughout the story. It was a codeword. It was the one she couldn't remember at a critical juncture. It was a moment in time that resulted in the deaths of several young soldiers.

I didn't like how Etta jumped to conclusions. I didn't like that she imagined back stories and lives for the soldiers who died then was surprised or disappointed when she was wrong. I didn't like that she lied to the families. It seemed as though HER perception of these young men (and her guilt) was more important than actually trying to improve anyone else's life or situation.

It bugged me that it sounded as though the reader was saying "drawls" instead of "draws" and "drawling" instead of "drawing." She did a nice job for the most part, but this just bothered my ears.

Ugh. The "romance" scene between Etta and Theo in the locked records room in the pension building was just awkward. Then she has promo photos taken in Theo's room without his permission?! After she rebuffed him?! 

It got worse when the "past" rape scene in the switchboard call room happened. Luke was such a nasty predator. I'm so glad the Brightwood call saved Etta from actually being raped, but the trauma of the attempt was very palpable. Since Mae was able to come to the rescue, I'm not sure why Etta kept blaming herself for those soldiers' lives.

I liked Eliza (August's sister). She had a great attitude.

I had enough of Etta's self-blame. She was a victim! By the time I got to the halfway point of this book, I thought about stopping but I wanted to find out the ending. I did NOT like this book. The author's note was interesting.

Thursday, September 05, 2024

Letters to Malcolm: Chiefly on Prayer

Reflections on the Intimate Dialogue Between Man and God

By: C.S. Lewis

Libby eBook 22 chapters

Published: 1964 (this version 2011)

Genre: non-fiction theology


This book was mentioned in another title I recently read. I love C.S. Lewis and wanted to read what he had to say about prayer! Sadly, much of it was hard for me to understand. I used to think I was quite smart and had a sharp mind . . . now I find that my brain struggles to wrap around difficult concepts. I think if I had this in print and could spend time poring over it and paraphrasing it, I'd grasp more. On the other hand, the parts that I did grasp felt like the proverbial light bulb going on!


So I highlighted a LOT of passages, but there are not highlights from the sections that went over my head. Perhaps one day, I'll return to this book (in print, with a marker and pen) or perhaps as part of a book club! For now, here are the passages I wanted to note.


Chapter I: "No living language can be timeless. You might as well ask for a motionless river."


I love how effectively he uses language to make a point. When talking about liturgy changing, he insists that language changes, therefore liturgy must also change.

Chapter II: "One meets people who are perturbed because someone in the next pew does, or does not, cross himself. They oughtn't even to have seen, let alone censured."

I love this! Criticizing how someone else worships the Lord (or even noticing how someone else worships) should not happen. 

Chapter II: "When the golden moments come, when God enables one really to pray without words, who but a fool would reject the gift? But He does not give it - anyway not to me - day in, day out."

Lewis is writing to his fictitious friend Malcolm about praying with words versus praying silently. This is one of the sections that got a bit too theoretical to me. The sentence after this one was part of what made me say, "Huh?"

Chapter II: "My mistake was what Pascal, if I remember rightly, calls 'Error of Stoicism': thinking we can do always what we can do sometimes."

It's not that I don't understand what he's saying so much as "Who cares?" If I pray silently and experience a Holy Spirit moment, I rejoice! I know that will not happen every time I pray, whether silently or aloud. But Pascal and the "Error of Stoicism" . . . ? I don't plan to try to learn more about this! I don't know that I've ever read Pascal.

Chapter IV: "As if, though God does not need to be informed, He does need, and even rather frequently, to be reminded. But we cannot really believe that degrees of attention, and therefore of inattention, and therefore of something like forgetfulness, exist in the Absolute Mind. I presume that only God's attention keeps me (or anything else) in existence at all."

I remember reading once that you should never pray for something more than once. It just showed that you didn't have faith that God could answer the prayer. But the Bible also tells us to "pray without ceasing." I know I should go to God's Word for answers to my questions, but there's so much I don't understand. To me, prayer is a conversation. I can talk to God about anything. I need to listen to His answers - they usually come in the form of a conviction in my heart and mind. I also love the way Lewis can use humor to make a point.

Chapter V: "The petition, then, is not merely that I may patiently suffer God's will but also that I may vigorously do it. I must be an agent as well as a patient."

Lewis is talking about the Lord's Prayer and "thy will be done." He points out that "a great deal of it is to be done by God's creatures, including me." Salvation is NOT by works, but God does say that our faith will be shown through what we do. (James 2:14-26)

Chapter VII: "If you meant in your last letter that we can scrap the whole idea of petitionary prayer - prayer which, as you put it, calls upon God to 'engineer' particular events in the objective world - and confine ourselves to acts of penitence and adoration, I disagree with you."

Lewis is a masterful writer! Part of me wanted to read the letters that "Malcolm" wrote to him! I wanted to know more about Malcolm's wife Betty and their son George. They were fictional characters! Sometimes, when I get the sense that my prayers are primarily petitions, I make the conscious choice to praise God! I like the acronym ACTS (Adoration / Confession / Thanksgiving / Supplication). It reminds me to do more than just ask God to intervene for people I care about.

Chapter VIII: "You remember that the ancient Persians debated everything twice: once when they were drunk and once when they were sober."

That just struck my funny bone. I don't know if there's any truth in this statement, but he's making the point that one can talk "too lightly" about things and one needs to think about what they're thinking. It reminded me of learning about metacognition as a teenager. 

Chapter IX: "The body (bless it) will not continue indefinitely supplying us with the physical media of emotion."

He writes this in response to Betty's wire and Malcolm's letter. Lewis comments that "I'm not at all surprised at your feeling flattened rather than joyful. That isn't ingratitude. It's only exhaustion." This really struck me because different people react differently to fear and trauma. At some point, emotions can just shut down.

Chapter XIII: "Hence all sin, whatever else it is, is sacrilege."

I think this is one of the chapters that was confusing to me so I grabbed onto a statement I understood. As I read back over the preceding paragraph and the following, I'm still asea. I like "We poison the wine as He decants it into us; murder a melody He would play with us as the instrument. We caricature the self-portrait He would paint." Then he goes on to write about the "ontological continuity" and I'm lost again.

Chapter XIV: "I have met no people who fully disbelieved in Hell and also had a living and life-giving belief in Heaven." 

What an interesting statement! If you have belief in Heaven and an eternal home, you must also believe that there is a literal Hell. He goes on to write about people's purely carnal and "self-centred fear and hope" as reasons to dig deeper.

Chapter XV: "For those in my position - adult converts from the intelligentsia - that simplicity and spontaneity can't always be the starting point. . . . We have to work back to the simplicity a long way round."

This spoke to me! I'm NOT a part of the intelligentsia (though my 15 year old self definitely thought I had a Big Brain) but I LIKE the simplicity of prayer and just talking to God! Before this quote, Lewis wrote, "On the present point she is right. I am making very heavy weather of what most believers find a very simple matter. What is more natural, and easier, if you believe in God, than to address Him? How could one not?" Yay, fictional Betty! I agree!

Chapter XV: "A stage set is not a real wood or drawing room: it is a real stage set, and may be a good one. (In fact we should never ask of anything, 'Is it real?,' for everything is real. The proper question is 'A real what?,' e.g., a real snake or real delirium tremens?)

This reminded me of talking with my husband! He's very clear and specific about words and their meanings!

Chapter XVII: "You first taught me the great principle 'Begin where you are.'"

I love how Lewis opens this chapter on worship and adoration. Praise God! It's so easy to look around you and find reasons to praise Him.

Chapter XVII: "I have tried, since that moment, to make every pleasure into a channel of adoration. I don't mean simply by giving thanks for it."

He goes on to get deep into the theology again, but adoring God is more than just saying "thank you" for all the things that bring us joy.

Chapter XVII: "I don't always achieve it. One obstacle is inattention. Another is the wrong kind of attention."

Lewis goes on to describe all the ways it can be difficult to have an attitude of adoration toward God, even though He deserves it.

Chapter XVII: "You feel it a brutal mockery of every martyr and every slave that a world-process which is so desperately serious to the actors should, at whatever celestial apex, be seen in terms of frivolities. And you add that it comes with a ludicrously ill grace from me, who never enjoyed any game and can dance no better than a centipede with wooden legs."

Okay, I freely admit I just wanted to include the part about the centipede. I love that image! But he's writing about having a frivolous versus a serious attitude toward prayer and eternity. Again, parts of his argument go over my head, but I like the image of the dancing centipede . . . 

Chapter XIX: "You ask me why I've never written anything about the Holy Communion. For the very simple reason that I am not good enough at Theology. I have nothing to offer. Hiding any light I think I've got under a bushel is not my besetting sin! I am much more prone to prattle unseasonably."

This made me laugh. I love his humility, but I disagree with him. Also, I wonder what my "besetting sin" might be. Also, I prattle unseasonably far too often.

Chapter XX: "I believe in Purgatory."

This is one statement I disagree with and I won't go through his scholarly arguments on this point. Having grown up Roman Catholic, there's a whole lot of theology that doesn't seem to be Bible-based. Granted, I don't know much, but I'm pretty confident we don't get second chances after death to change our mind about our eternal plan. I guess I'll find out for sure one day!

Chapter XXI: "For while we talk about it, all the rest of our experience, which in reality crowds our prayer into the margin or sometimes off the page altogether, is not mentioned."

Ouch. This reminded me of a book I read that talked about Muslims' prioritizing prayer several times a day. As a Christian, prayer should be a priority not an afterthought!

Chapter XXI: "Well, let's now at any rate come clean. Prayer is irksome. An excuse to omit it is never unwelcome. When it is over, this casts a feeling of relief and holiday over the rest of the day. We are reluctant to begin. We are delighted to finish. While we are at prayer, but not while we are reading a novel or solving a cross-word puzzle, any trifle is enough to distract us."

Ooh. At first, I resented this statement. Did he truly believe that prayer is "irksome?" Or was he trying to hook his readers? What is my attitude toward prayer? Do I eagerly seek time with the Lord, or is it a chore to get over with? On re-reading this chapter, I'm reminded that it was Betty's letter that triggered the "irksome" comment. Also, Lewis writes, "The truth is, I haven't any language weak enough to depict the weakness of my spiritual life." And he writes, ". . . by talking at this length about prayer at all, we seem to give it a much bigger place in our lives than, I'm afraid, it has. For while we talk about it, all the rest of our experience, which in reality crowds our prayer into the margin or sometimes off the page altogether, is not mentioned." This idea of prayer being crowded out . . . strikes home. Though I remind myself that the Bible tells me to "pray without ceasing," (1 Thessalonians 5:17) I certainly have times where I'm NOT "taking every thought captive to the Lord Jesus Christ." (2 Corinthians 10:5)

Chapter XXI: "Much of our backwardness in prayer is no doubt due to our sins, as every teacher will tell us; to our avoidable immersion in the things of this world, to our neglect of mental discipline. And also to the very worst kind of 'fear of God.' We shrink from too naked a contact, because we are afraid of the divine demands upon us which it might make too audible."

He goes on to joke about an old Christian writer who says "many a Christian prays faintly 'lest God might really hear him, which he, poor man, never intended.'" The way I've heard it is, "Be careful what you pray for! God might tell you to change."

Chapter XXI: "If we were perfected, prayer would not be a duty, it would be delight. Some day, please God, it will be."

I think that's a good prayer. God, please help me to see prayer as a delight. Amen!

Chapter XXII: "Liberal Christianity can only supply an ineffectual echo to the massive chorus of agreed and admitted unbelief."

Chapter XXII: "The liberals are honest men and preach their version of Christianity, as we preach ours, because they believe it to be true. A man who first tried to guess 'what the public wants,' and then preached that as Christianity because the public wants it, would be a pretty mixture of fool and knave."

There was a lot in this chapter about the supernatural, the Christian life, freedom, comfort, resurrection, glorification, and doctrine. For such a short little book, it is packed full with ideas! He ends it with 


"Thank Betty for her note. I'll come by the later train, the 3:40. And tell her not to bother about a bed on the ground floor. I can manage stairs again now, provided I take them 'in bottom.' Till Saturday." 


This honestly reads like a conversation in letters!