by Tommy Barnett
Hennepin County Library hardcover 165 pages + 1 page with the 30 principles + 30 pages of Personal Action Plans (1 per) + 7 page study guide
Published: 2013
Genre: Christian, self-help, non-fiction
I should just buy my own copy! This is overdue, but I can't renew it any more. I didn't get through the personal action plans . . . but have too much going on right now.
Chapter 6 is "Make a Regular Connection" and has to do with pursuing a relationship with God. I love this! I need to keep it here:
I actually need to keep it in my heart. Drawing near to the Lord, building that relationship, is the most important part of this book.
In the principle of listening to God (not just talking), I liked this quote: "I'm a product of my society, so I'm very much a doer, so to break away from that routine and stop it has to be a definite commitment, something I do on purpose."
I get too focused on my to-do lists and my goals. I listen to audiobooks and push myself. But I know it's all pointless if I'm not focused on God and seeking His will.
Chapter 11 is titled "Own a Great Attitude." The half-hour power principle is "shift your outlook to change your destiny." There's a quote from Scott Hamilton that says "the only disability in life is a bad attitude."
I liked his section on thirty-minute meetings. Preparation can help save time so that people aren't sitting in pointless meetings for too long.
Chapter 19 "Sustain Hope" is about the half-hour power principle "Hope results from God's grace and your effort." I marked this part: "Part of my morning prayer regimen is to pray, 'God, please help me to help somebody today. I don't want to waste Your time or the opportunities You have reserved for me. I'm going to try to make my life really count today. Please bless my efforts.' At the end of each day, as part of my final prayer, I ask myself, Now did I help anybody today? If I didn't, I ask God to forgive me and to strengthen and prepare me to do better tomorrow."
Chapter 26 "Serve in a Loving Church" / help make your church relevant. This caught my attention because it's contrary to what I've been reading from Karl Vaters about small churches. Spirit of Life is a small church. Bigger isn't always better. "I've also been asked if I think there is anything wrong with a small church. I do have a favorite answer for that one: 'No, if it only stays small for a week!' For if you have a New Testament church, you cannot stay small. In the book of Acts, we see how people were added daily to the church (see 2:47). That says to me that in seven days, then, a small church will be getting bigger."
Later in that same chapter, there's a section titled "Be Creative in Finding Needs to Fill." I love the work they do at the Dream Center and in ministering to foster children. I'd love to be doing more of this myself! Blessing others. Reaching out to meet needs.
Chapter 30 "Act!" / "Follow God into His amazing adventure for you." Barnett again writes about the importance of preparation.
"I have to confess that I get tired of hearing people say that they're not doing anything about a situation because they're 'waiting on the Lord.' Too often that becomes an excuse to do nothing. Yes, it's important to move in God's timing and rhythm, but while you're waiting, you also need to be preparing for action, whatever that action might turn out to be."
I may still buy a copy of this and work through the action plan. I could also see myself leading a Bible study of this book. Food for thought!
Oh! Here is the list of the 30 principles.
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