Saturday, February 08, 2025


By: Randy Alcorn

Libby audiobook 1 hour

Read by: Randy Alcorn

Published: 2004 (this version 2008)

Genre: Non-fiction, theology

I didn't realize when I requested this that it was a "short" version of a full length book. There was quite a long waiting list for it and I wanted to make sure I read it before I had to return it. In one hour, Alcorn does an overview of his longer complete title.Honestly? I don't plan to read the full book.

As a believer, I don't have some of the questions that he is trying to helpfully answer here. If anything, listening to this made me want to dig into Scripture and read more for myself. I don't especially enjoy (or fully understand) Revelations, but there is a lot there to indicate what our post-human on Earth life will look like. 

As a child, I remember thinking, "I don't want to sing praises to God for 10,000 years!" whenever we sang Amazing Grace. But I'm not a child any more. As much as I love this life I get to live, Heaven with God for eternity sounds much better. 

Good food for thought here.

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