Saturday, April 27, 2024

Hey, Kiddo: How I Lost My Mother, Found My Father, and Dealt with Family Addiction

by: Jarrett J. Krosoczka

NPHS hardcover 316 pages plus extras

Published: 2018

Genre: YA graphic novel, realistic fiction

I was subbing at the high school and helping out in the media center sometime over the last two weeks. Language Arts students were coming in to check out one of four different books for their book clubs. I had heard of (and read) three of the books / authors, but was unfamiliar with Krosoczka. So I grabbed a copy and read it when I had some time during the day.

Wow! Initially, I didn't care for his art style. But by the time I got to the author's note at the end, I was sold. What a story! What an amazing memoir from this man. He didn't shy away from the painful parts of his childhood and adolescence. His grandparents raised him and he gives them tribute. 

It was incredible. The way he shares his experience of home life, school, etc. is so open and honest. I really was drawn into this book quickly. I have a fondness for the power of classes that are not seen as "academic" enough to be central to curricula. This passage in the book made me sad - so many schools see the arts as an "easy" place to make budget cuts. That's so devastating to the kiddos who love the arts!

His author note at the end was especially meaningful. I wonder how many readers actually read this. It's pretty amazing. Too many people get trapped by their past. He's an author I will look for now!

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