Wednesday, December 14, 2022

The Bookshop of Secrets

By Mollie Rushmeyer

Carver County Library paperback 347 pages

Published: 2022

Genre: Christian realistic fiction


There were so many things to like about this book! Rushmeyer is a Minnesota novelist and has clearly spent time on the North Shore. We had a good book club discussion, even though I hadn't finished the book on time (again! What is up with me?). 


There is book nerdiness, a hidden treasure, a bit of romance, a lot of healing from past pain, . . . but I have so many post-it notes in it that I'm just going to jump in.


Page 25: "It's okay to trust again. Don't be afraid to let them in, to see you, all right? We're not meant to live in the shadows, unseen. Everybody needs to know and be known by others."


Dee is a wise woman. Her advice for Hope hits the mark.


Page 30: "Sometimes you just do things because it's the right thing to do. Helping you is my pleasure."


I love Mags. She was just the person to help Hope connect safely.


Page 107: "Attending church wasn't the definition of being a Christian. But the times in his life he least wanted to be around other believers were the times he most needed to be."


Ronan's faith (and wrestles with faith) were believable. He was a great character. And he was a fantastic mentor for Tate.


Page 126: ". . . Charlotte snatched his prosthetic leg and bounded across the beach with it. The dog's tail wagged like she thought herself the funniest animal in the world."


This scene made me laugh out loud. Charlotte is a German Shepherd and I could totally envision her playing keep away with Ronan's prosthesis.


Page 160: "He excused himself to retrieve their clothes from the dryer. As he pulled out her plaid shirt, letting the warmth soak through his arms then wrap around his chest, he couldn't help but feel her words and understanding had done the same on the inside."


I love the feeling of warm laundry fresh from the dryer! And the thought of that cozy feeling on the inside . . . nice!


Page 179: "She'd never thought helping others could start stitching up the gashes in her own heart."


It's amazing how helping others can transform your heart, attitude, and life!


Page 186: "A door, opening into a new life. Like she'd found the key to the Secret Garden. A whole beautiful world of friendships and a normal life lay inside the wall. She could glimpse it ahead."


I loved the literary allusions! There were plenty. The Dusty Jackets book shop offered a great setting.


Page 196: "Ronan didn't mind that Hope and Tate took their time at the ice cream stand next to Granny's Cafe' . . . "


Why did the author not just call it by name? Grandma's is a Duluth institution.


Page 264: "Who needs normal anyway? None of us are normal, so you fit right in."


Mags again. She was great. So was Kat.


Page 264: "Her name. One truth bomb at a time . . . "


Somehow I just liked the idea of a "truth bomb" and only one at a time . . . 


Page 328: "Don't judge based on one conversation or misunderstanding."


Dee's wise advice again.


Page 329: "As if her life was a jug of broken pottery and she had to find all of the fitting pieces to glue it back together, but half the pieces were missing. God was the potter. He was making something new. In her. Patiently molding her a new story, a new life filled to the brim with goodness and love. He hadn't abandoned her to her own devices . . . "

Yes! We need to trust God and let HIM do the hard work.

Page 346: I loved Ulysses' letter to Hope. I loved that he wrote it when he had some mental clarity.

This was a lovely book. I'm not sure why it took me so darn long to finish!

Also had pirates, sex trafficking, lighthouses, community pariahs, food and cooking, and a whole lot more.

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