Friday, July 29, 2022

From Fiber to Fabric: The Essential Guide to Quiltmaking Textiles

by Harriet Hargrave

Hennepin County Library hardcover 133 pages

Published: 1997

Genre: Nonfiction textiles


This book had so much more information than I can wrap my head around! At times, I also thought . . . "Do I care that much?" I'm a bit too careless about my sewing . . .


Chapter 8 on testing fabric, 10 and 11 on threads, and chapter 12 on batting were the most helpful. But by the time I got that far, my eyes were glazing over with too much information.


Page 53 - "Until now quilters were told they had to prewash their fabrics to keep them from bleeding and shrinking. They were not instructed how to prewash them safely, just to wash them. . . . Just because it is common practice to prewash, and we have been told to do it for years, does not mean that it has to be done." 

I really like that she explains things and gives reasons for decision making.

Page 84 - S twist and Z twist threads! How have I never learned this before? I wonder if I should buy imported threads. I have much more learning to do.

Page 93 - "Old threads, of any fiber content, break down and change their characteristics as they age." 

This is something I knew intuitively (and through experiencing using old thread at RaDon). I guess I should be willing to spend money to have good thread instead of trying to use up random old stuff. (Some of my spools are several decades old, inherited from others.)

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