Monday, May 27, 2019


by Anne McCaffrey
Hennepin County Library audiobook 8 CDs
read by Sally Darling

Published: 1979 (this version 1992)
genre: YA fantasy

I had read all three Pern books with Menolly as a primary character several times in the 1970s and 80s, but grabbed this when I was looking for some audiobooks for drive time recently. It was fun to revisit Piemur's story. (His voice changes, the MasterHarper has a special job for him, he's in the drum heights learning the measures . . . )

The vocal work was interesting. Darling has an odd accent that I couldn't quite place . . . something from out East? Anyhow, it worked for the story but kind of made me giggle. I ended up finishing the book in the print format just to be done.

McCaffrey is a delightful storyteller. I've not read all her Pern books, but most of them. Dragonsong is probably my favorite.


(Above written 5.27.19. Below added 10.11.22.)


Since I had re-read (listened) to books one and two, I decided to finish off this series.  

Same reader. She *does* have an interesting accent, but it does not detract from the story. I love that Piemur is able to use what he's learned in the drum heights to make a new life in the South.

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