Friday, October 26, 2018

What to Do When You Don't Know What to Do

by Dr. David Jeremiah
Scott County Library hardcover 292 pages plus reader's guide
genre: non-fiction Scripture study

I tell my students often about the "right book at the right time" and in this case, it isn't my right time. I was interested in doing an in-depth study of the book of James. There are so many Scriptures that hold so much meaning! This book is highly reviewed, but I find myself not really immersing into it.

The one passage that really struck me (I've only read to page 71 . . . and plan to return it to the library today) was on page 23. I've scanned it to include below.
It's not the greatest scan, but the message is so powerful! I cannot imagine the grief and pain in losing a child. Even trusting that their daughter was safe in Heaven with the Lord . . .

And I love how the sadness and brokenness was not ignored by our loving and faithful God!

I don't think people who are not yet believers / followers of the Lord can understand this. His love, mercy, and grace are so incredibly powerful!

There was another passage a bit later that I read about the destructive power of anger . . . but all the verses reminded me of the current president of the United States.

This is a book I will come back to, but it is clearly not the book that I need right now.

I can just open my Bible and read James!

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