Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Daddy Long-legs and Dear Enemy

by Jean Webster
Hennepin County Library paperback 348 pages
genre: fiction, relationships

I read this after our book club of April 2015 (and watched the movie of Daddy Long-legs as well). I didn't realize I hadn't blogged it until going through my never-ending pile of paper scraps . . .

I was surprised by the author's descriptions of "feeblemindedness" and other non-PC language. Since this was written in 1912 (over 100 years ago!), it shouldn't have surprised me so much.

My notes (from a few months ago) are limited, but I jotted some character names:
Jervis Pendleton
Jerusha Abbott (Judy)
Sallie McBride (her friend from college)

I remember thinking that I liked the book Dear Mr. Knightley better than this "original." I definitely liked both books better than the movie.

The second book in this volume, Dear Enemy, is more about Sallie and her love-hate relationship with the doctor of the orphanage. Judy and Jervis are off in happy-ever-after married life. Sallie is running the orphanage with the help / hindrance of the Irish (?) doctor. I liked it, but didn't love it.

I believe these excerpts are both from Dear Enemy. I should have grabbed some of the sweet / funny / wonderful scenes, but these were ones that jumped out at me. How much has changed in literature in 100 years!

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