Hennepin County Library audiobook 10 discs
read by Roxanne Hernandez
genre: Christian realistic fiction
I read this over a month ago, but found notes on it by my computer area. Apparently, I never blogged it. I think the reader's voice was fine, but the story bugged me. It dragged on too long and had too much navel-gazing. Brad Cutler, the main character, is ready to marry the girl of his dreams (coincidentally the daughter of his boss) but he is stuck. Memories from his past are causing him to reflect on what it means to do the right thing. His first love, Emma, was deeply hurt by Brad and he never apologized. Laura, the fiancee', does most of the navel-gazing that bugged me, but both Brad and Emma chew up their tortured thoughts for many pages as well.
My notes:
- repetitive. THREE TIMES (at least), the author writes of Brad something to the tune of "He wanted to turn back time, but he couldn't." (Repeat.)
- text or reader? (I was trying to figure out which was bugging me most.)
- irritating
- Mega-anti-abortion / I can think of people who would love this book simply for that reason!
- Very positive on Scripture and the power of prayer. Emma's students and their situations were my favorite parts of this book.
- Excellent as an anti-abortion "manifesto" - I actually wrote that. Hmmm.
- WAY too introspective
- foot washing - I love this act of love, even though Laura and her attitude were bugging me.
- I love Gavin as a character (along with Frankie and Kristin)
- the author's "forever in fiction" program is neat. Love that!
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