Sunday, April 28, 2013

Killing Kennedy: the end of Camelot

by Bill O'Reilly and Martin Dugard
Hennepin County Library hardcover 302 pages
genre: historical / biography

I don't really feel like writing this right now. I wish I had read it *before* book club. It was interesting, a little too much (how do these men know what Oswald was feeling and thinking in the last two hours before he was caught?) but I'm glad I've read it. Unfortunately, some people now think this book is "it" even though the authors state that we'll never know what really happened. I should have made notes as I read, because there were some things that caught my attention. I didn't realize that Marilyn Monroe's death was possibly NOT a suicide . . . . I am saddened by how rude the Kennedys were to LBJ after they used him to help win Texas in the election. I wonder about Marina and her children and how their lives have turned out. (Oswald's Russian wife) And I wish I had more time to read other books from other perspectives.

I made a note of this review quite a while ago . . . (adding it 7/2/13):
I find this intellectually stimulating, but have so many more things to attend to right now.

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