Wednesday, January 12, 2011


by Pete Hautman
PRMS hardcover 198 pages
genre: YA coming-of-age

I have put off reading this since I came to the district. Both West and PRMS had a LOT of copies of this title. I know that Sharon Phelps has had this Twin Cities author as a guest before and we have lots of his books in-district. But the title and jacket blurb didn't make me eager to read this story of Jason Bock. Jason rejects his dad's Catholic fervor and his mom's hypochondria (on Jay's behalf). Along with his best friend Shin, Jay starts a new religion focused on the local water tower.

This was our 8th grade book club title, but only four of us had actually read it. We had a very interesting discussion, but I wish more kids had read the book so that we could have a more involved discussion. I found it interesting and thought-provoking. Henry is the kind of person who scares me - charismatic, dangerous, reckless, unconcerned. Shin's descent into near-insanity surprised and worried me. Jay is a worthy protangonist.

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