Thursday, July 30, 2009

Notes from the Midnight Driver

by Jordan Sonnenblick
Hennepin County Library, paperback, 265 pages

This author nails the typical teenage voice well. Once again, he has created a character (Alex) who is self-centered at the start of the story, but grows up in a big way. I liked how he drew Steven and Annette (from Drums, Girls, and Dangerous Pie) into this story.

The reconciliation and family relationships piece was strong. This will be a fun book to talk about with kids. I cried, naturally. Laurie and Sol were my favorite characters. Sol was a blast!

Re-read it because I brought mostly non-fiction to the lake and I wanted to "zone out" with an easy book. (Some people zone out in front of the tv . . . )

Love this! Both funny and serious, it is so delightful.

Reconciliation - parents and kids. Owning your own responsibility.

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