Thursday, April 10, 2008

The 9/11 Report: A Graphic Adaptation

by Sid Jacobson & Ernie Colon
Carver County Library, 131 pages

What an interesting book! I could never have read the actual Final Report of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States. But this graphic novel communicated the salient info in an interesting manner. This would be a wonderful discussion book . . . I'm still mulling over what I read. It would be interesting to get the commission's opinion on what has happened (and not happened) in the four years since they published their findings. I wonder if the different government agencies are working together any better than they used to.


matthew john eldred said...

What an interesting thing. We talked about Graphic novels in my english class at St. Thomas and it is really interesting to see how popular they have become and how much information they really can convey.

I have red the 9/11 report and it was EXTREMELY interesting. I think its one of those things everyone really should read. Someday, I think Political Science students and History students will have it as required reading. At least I would assign it. :)

Jeanne LaMoore said...

Some graphic novels are amazing (like "Maus") and others truly are just glorified comic books (which I enjoy, too). And others are really frightening - written for an audience that enjoys the darkness more than I do!

I can't imagine reading the "real" 9/11 report, but this graphic version was very accessible and enlightening. Are you considering teaching as a career? You would have high expectations for your students, I'm sure. You have a wonderful mind, Matthew.