Saturday, March 15, 2008

Between Sundays

by Karen Kingsbury
audiobook, Carver County Library, 10 CDs

Oh. My. Word.

I've read a couple of other Kingsbury stories and have thoroughly enjoyed them. But this one? Not so much!

Smarmy. Trite. Predictable. Annoying. Cloying.

Part of it might have been the reader's voice. Kathy Garver read it in an overpronounced, kindergarten teacher voice. Yuk. I listened all the way to the end and guess what? I was right - the 49ers won the Superbowl, Aaron Hill got saved, he really was Cory's dad, Aaron & Megan got married, and everyone lived happily ever after. Yawn.

Okay, the two things I really did like about this story were the emphasis on foster children and the author's note at the end. It made me think about the kids, especially teenagers, who languish in the "system" and then are on their own when they turn 18. I wonder if Louie and I will get to the point in our lives where we start adopting children who need a family and some extra love.

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